Sarah infront of Winner's chapel, Yaounde

Winners Chapel: Cameroon Church review

The Living Faith Church Worldwide, often referred to as Winners Chapel, has experienced significant and rapid growth since its establishment in 1981.

The rapidly expanding ministry, known as Winners Chapel, was founded by Bishop David Oyedepo, who also serves as its President. Inspired by a divine vision and a deep love for all, he established Winners Chapel as a means to share the message of God’s love.

With a presence in over 21,000 churches across Nigeria and thousands more worldwide, Bishop Oyedepo has remained dedicated to spreading the teachings of Christ.

While the ministry’s headquarters are located in Nigeria, often referred to as Canaan land, Bishop Oyedepo organizes annual events like Shiloh, where congregants come together both physically and online for a week-long retreat.

In addition to being a prolific author of numerous books, Bishop Oyedepo is passionate about reshaping education. Consequently, he has overseen the establishment and management of several primary and secondary schools, along with two prominent universities, namely Landmark and Covenant University.

My experience at Winners Chapel

For many years prior to my journey abroad, Winners Chapel was my spiritual home. Words can hardly convey the immense joy I felt worshipping with fellow believers during the Wednesday evening or Sunday morning services.

Winners Chapel stands out with its unique and well-organized structure of services.

Each gathering had a strict two-hour time frame, with all activities meticulously scheduled. I particularly appreciated this predictability, as it allowed me to gauge the flow of the service, even on the rare occasions when I was running late (which was infrequent).

Typically, the service commences with a concise prayer session, followed by an exuberant 15-minute praise and worship session. It is customary for congregants to leave their seats, dancing in the open spaces with wide smiles and hearts full of gratitude.

Why did I like the testimony segment?

Shortly after, there is a brief testimony segment where, depending on the number of participants, 6–10 individuals would succinctly share their testimonies with the entire congregation.

These testimonies are not only welcomed but encouraged, and people eagerly share their stories almost every service day. I was consistently captivated by the miraculous experiences shared, and it served as a powerful reminder to trust God even more.

These sessions significantly contributed to the growth of my faith, and it was incredibly meaningful to witness someone narrating their journey as a testament to God’s glory.

Following the church announcements, the Resident Pastors of each branch would deliver sermons lasting between 45 minutes to an hour. Their teachings are aligned with the mandate from Bishop Oyedepo.

Except during special programs that featured live streams from the main church in Nigeria, the individual branches were expected to function independently.

Winners Chapel exhibits remarkable structural organization, and I deeply appreciated the sense of order. The ministry has designated elders responsible for marriage counselling to support couples, and the children’s ministry is considered a vital component of the congregation.

Although I couldn’t attend the early morning 1-hour prayer sessions at the church, I was always impressed that there was an opportunity for believers to commence their day in fellowship and communal prayer.

People walking

Winners Chapel cell groups

Another remarkable facet of being a member of this church was the emphasis on communal living. Congregants are encouraged to join small groups comprised of fellow church members residing in the same neighbourhood.

These groups met regularly to share the word of God and engage in prayer. It also served as an avenue to invite neighbours into the fold, introducing them to the message of Christ and eventually bringing them to church.

Another consistent and impactful activity organized by Winners Chapel was the Saturday “all-out” evangelism effort. Members would assemble at the church premises in the morning, where they received fliers detailing the church’s activities.

Armed with these materials, they ventured out into the community, approaching strangers, engaging them in conversations, and extending invitations through the fliers.

This grassroots approach of reaching out to people in their homes is a sign of love. Talking to people at their places of business proved to be an effective strategy for church growth. Many individuals have been introduced to the gospel through these interactions, resulting in numerous conversions and an expanded congregation.

How was l involved in Winners Chapel?

I had a strong belief in serving at the church, so I joyfully dedicated my time to the choir. Every Tuesday and Saturday, I would eagerly make my way to the church for choir rehearsals. During these sessions, we typically had to learn three or more songs, following short voice training exercises.

On Wednesdays, Sundays, and special Thursday and Friday events, the choir was responsible for leading the praise. At these worship sessions, the choir performs a special song. I cherished every moment of these sessions, especially the dance performances.

Our repertoire was diverse, encompassing songs in various languages, including French, English, and Pidgin. Sometimes, we delved into traditional music, singing songs from Cameroonian groups and donning cultural attire.

Winners chapel choir

On other occasions, we explored gospel songs from Nigeria, South Africa, Congo (in Lingala), and various African regions. American music was also in the mix. Our weekly performances were marked by this rich diversity, which I thoroughly appreciated.

Why should you visit the church?

  1. Inspirational Worship Services: Winners Chapel offers vibrant and spiritually enriching worship services. With dynamic praise and worship sessions, heartfelt testimonies, and impactful sermons you will be blessed. Equally, attending services here can be a source of inspiration and spiritual growth.
  2. Strong Sense of Community: The church places a strong emphasis on building a sense of community among its members. Through small groups, fellowship events, and outreach activities, you can forge meaningful connections with fellow Christians.
  3. Biblical Teaching: Winners Chapel is known for its commitment to teaching the Word of God. The sermons are based on biblical principles and are geared towards helping you deepen your understanding of the Scriptures.
  4. Opportunities for Service: If you’re looking for ways to get involved and serve, this church provides numerous opportunities. Whether it’s through the choir, outreach programs, or volunteering in various ministries, you can actively contribute to the church’s mission.
  5. Evangelism and Outreach: Winners Chapel has a strong focus on evangelism and outreach. If you’re passionate about sharing your faith and reaching out to the community, the church’s evangelism initiatives is great. Also, the outreach activities provide a platform for you to make a difference.

Visiting Winners Chapel can offer a spiritually enriching experience, a sense of belonging, and opportunities for personal and communal growth.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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