Trust God: Two Simple 24/7 Methods

Nowadays, trusting manufacturers is a norm, but we need to trust God – our creator more. Everyone, whether knowingly or unknowingly, expects the TV manufacturers to sell their televisions with a manual describing how they should be used. Similarly, we all know, that the manual has clear directions on how to properly set up channels on the television.

In fact, there have been legal cases if the manufacturer sold a product without a manual. It has become customary for all manufacturers to produce explicit manuals, not solely as a way to protect themselves from being liable against legal claims that might come up, but as a guide to reduce the stress of the consumers and to get positive recommendations.

However, it is not uncommon these days, because people want instant gratification and immediate results. Sadly, only a handful of people spend a good amount of time reading the manuals of the products they buy before using them. We can all admit we sometimes read the manual only if we were unsuccessful in trying to use our own brains.

Also, subconsciously or consciously, those who read the manual before using the product, completely trust the manufacturer’s directions, and they always expect that the TV will function just as the guidelines stipulate.

What does it mean to trust God?

It simply means we will not know and understand everything, but we believe he has a perfect plan.

a puzzle with pieces
Trusting God is like playing a puzzle. We will figure only one piece at a time.

In exceptional cases, these people have had to contact the manufacturer when they needed clarification on a specific term in the manual. It is also the reason that manufacturers will always include their contact information in the manual. They want to ensure their customers have obtained maximum satisfaction.

Is it fair to say only the manufacturer of the product knows exactly how the product was made, and he is the only one who can explain clearly how it should be used? We will definitely agree with this.

Could this article be a promotion for manufacturers?- absolutely not. It is a clear description of how we honor God and His word (Bible). This explains our attitude towards God and how we neglect his designed plan for our lives.

If trusting human manufacturers for our earthly products, how much more should we trust God, our divine manufacturer?

God is our manufacturer

God is the creator of all human beings as seen in Genesis 1:1 and Him alone knows who and what is on earth. His kingdom is in heaven, but he created the earth for the man – us (Psalms 115:16).

Two men shaking hands as a sign of trust to each other

Do you know just as God told Jeremiah in chapter 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations”, He is saying the same to you?

This automatically implies we cannot do life on our own. We will certainly fail if we don’t obey the scriptures and have absolute trust in God. He is our creator, so we must stick with him.

He clearly said through Solomon in Prov 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path”. This is the only way to do life purposefully.

We need God every day, all the time, every time, and any time.

If we can feed ourselves with the word of God daily before making major decisions, there is no way we can go wrong in God’s purpose and plan for our lives. Here are the ways you can trust God.

1. Make a daily habit of studying the Bible

Just as we depend on the manual to explain how to set up that new refrigerator, we have to reverentially fear and absolutely trust God’s word in the Bible to show us how to accomplish our purpose in life.

God and His word are one. (John 1:1). It is impossible to know His will for your life without studying His word.

We can invest time with full attention and devotion to study it. We do this after asking the help of the Holy Spirit to interpret the mind of God to us. God speaks and guides our lives via the Bible.

This could sometimes imply reading a single verse/chapter for a week. It doesn’t always have to be a Bible plan or devotional, but both are great options too. To add, it is not about setting a calendar to finish the Bible in a year. Equally, it becomes literature or a history book if read without the Holy Spirit.

Everything you need in life is there. If we search and meditate consistently before making that decision, we will assuredly have a solution. Sometimes it will mean looking through the life of Jesus or analyzing the lives of the Prophets/Apostles.

Hands holding each other, symbolizing trust and support

2. To Believe and trust God is an absolute duty

Similar to our expectation that the phone will work just as the producer wrote in the manual, believing is the conviction that what God has said will come to pass.

There is no scripture in the Bible where God requested us to trust other people or ourselves and or the universe as some people say these days. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” Psalm 20:7.

Trusting God absolutely means we have nothing else or human that we depend on.

We cannot do life peacefully by trusting our parents, spouses, friends, and colleagues just to name a few. Total trust in God is that individual decision to obey God no matter what you feel or what others think.

Prov 28:26 says “Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.” We are not permitted to trust even ourselves.

What should we not trust?

We are not equally supposed to be trusting our possessions, social status, or achievements. This is evident in Prov 11:28 “Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf”.

We can always run to God every time we are unsuccessful, but we can also trust Him completely, so we don’t become unsuccessful. Like David highlighted in Psalms 56:3, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you”. Trusting God has to be a deliberate lifestyle.

Finally, Paul added in Romans 15: 13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”.

Obviously, this strong assurance comes after you have invested time in the word. I encourage you to have true joy and peace by visiting the Bible. This is the key to fulfilling your purpose. Frequently study the word of God and belief in God’s power through the Holy Spirit.

If you want more scriptural articles, here are a few of my favorite

Bible verses about unbelief

Bible verses about hearing from God

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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