Principal Martin making a steadfast speech

Principal Martin’s Steadfast Rule

At Prosper Secondary School, Principal Martin had a special message for the students every morning during devotion. He would say, “If you want to do well and achieve great things, you must be steadfast in your studies.” Many students didn’t know exactly what “steadfast” meant, but they liked how Principal Martin smiled when he said it.

All the teachers at the school were friendly and playful, making the students happy to come to class. Parents also had good things to say about the school.

One day, a curious student named Ruth, who was in the second year of school, wanted to understand the word “steadfast” and why Principal Martin talked about it so much.

“What does steadfast mean?” she wondered.

During lunch break, after she finished eating, Ruth went to Principal Martin’s office. He was surprised to see her but invited her in and offered her a seat. In a quiet voice, Ruth asked her question.

Principal Martin listened carefully and then smiled. “Ruth, that’s a great question. Steadfast means believing in the truth of God’s Word more than anything else.”

Ruth nodded, feeling like she understood a bit better. But then she asked, “How long do I need to be steadfast?”

Principal Martin answered, “Being steadfast means staying strong in your faith and trust in God’s Word no matter what happens. It’s something you practice every day, and over time, you become really good at it.”

“Why do you tell us to be steadfast every day?” Ruth asked her final question.

With his kind smile, Principal Martin replied, “It’s my job to teach you about God’s love and show you how to live it out. The Bible says in Hebrews 3:14, ‘If we continue to believe in God’s truth until the end, we will share in Christ.’ So, I remind you every day to help you remember that God wants us to stay strong and faithful, even when things are tough.”

He continued, “Life can have challenges, like your exams, but if you work hard and stay steadfast, you’ll see success. Steadfast means learning from your books and the Bible every day and trusting that God will help you succeed.”

Ruth was happy with the answers Principal Martin gave her. She thanked him and decided to follow his advice. She promised herself that she would study her books and read her Bible every day, no matter what.

Years later, when Ruth was all grown up, she met Principal Martin again at the mall in their town. They hugged and talked about old times. Ruth shared how she had followed his advice and saw God’s blessings in her life.

Now, Ruth was a music teacher at a school and encouraged her students to be steadfast too. She bought lunch for Principal Martin and told him all about her success as a musician who spread God’s message through her songs.

Principal Martin was really happy and thanked God for Ruth’s success. He was glad she had listened to his teachings and seen the good results of being steadfast.

Lesson: God rewards steadfastness because He is steadfast.

Source of the story: 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

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Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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