A lady smiling representing the present continuous tense

Present Continuous Tense

Definition: The present continuous tense is used to show that the action is not complete.

The action (s) is/ are presently ongoing at the time of speaking.

It is also called the Present Progressive tense.


The students are in class. They are writing the exam.

This tense focuses on the process of how the action is going on at the time the speaker is talking about it.

Present Continuous Statement

Subject Auxiliary Short formVerb + present participle 
amI’m Cook +ing = cooking
he/she/ itisShe’s Sleep+ing = sleeping
They/we/youarethey’reclean+ing= cleaning


How’s the new school? Are you enjoying it?

Where’s the music coming from? Our neighbor is playing the music.

Let’s go out now to play. It isn’t snowing anymore. 

Where’s Peter? He is eating lunch.

Exception: Sometimes the action is not happening at the time of speaking


On a phone call, Paul tells his friend, that he is planning a vacation to the Caribean with his family.

Through an email, Sally informs her parents of her new plan to travel to Poland, so she has been studying Polish. 

Discussing with her sister, Elizabeth said her children have been learning how to bake cakes.

How to make questions on the present continuous tense

Question Auxiliary Subject End of sentence
Whatishedoing now?
Who isshe singing about?
Whyaretheydancing very fast?
When arewe going to the park?

How to make negative sentences in the present continuous

Subject Auxiliary (not)Verb (the present participle)End of sentence
We aren’tclapping For this musician.
Youare not wearingthose shorts today.
Iam notpreparingbreakfast this morning

1. We use the present continuous to talk about a change that has begun to happen. 

Common vocabulary includes: getting, beginning, increasing, rising, falling, growing, becoming changing, improving starting,


I am getting some sleep after work today.

They are beginning the conference at the hall.

The rate of unemployment is increasing drastically in my country.

As I am rising from the chair, I mistakenly dropped my phone.

The children are shouting as they are falling from the tree.

My new plant is growing up bigger as the days go by.

Their dog is becoming angrier every time we pass by their house.

Our country is changing the health care system.

My son’s English Language is improving compared to last year.

I am starting the lesson at 3 pm. Please be there on time.

2. We can use this tense to discuss periods that are around now

These include; today, this week, this year, etc 


My daughters aren’t feeling well today. 

This week, the traffic is increasing because of the football competition.

This year, the child adoption rates are decreasing due to COVID-19.

We are learning a new topic this month.

3. Use the present continuous tense with the appropriate “to be” verb and a dynamic verb.

Dynamic verbs show action and process


Grandma is arriving late because her flight was delayed.

Penti is shouting and cheering her team at the baseball competition

They are talking about the new radio station downtown.


Sentences should not be conjugated with stative verbs. Stative verb categories include emotion (to love), possession (to belong), and thoughts (to recognize).


Aunty Pamela prefers to cook at home every Sunday.


Change the sentences into negative or positive sentences.

  • We are………..(watch) movies at the theatre now. Come join us. 
  • Please turn off the radio, …………………(I/listening) to a podcast in the room.
  • Boyle began morning classes with his friends. ……………….(they/learn) how to play basketball.
  • I am taking the day off. So,…………… (I/work) at the office.
  • Lilian and Elizebeth had a fight yesterday in school and now …………….(they/speak) to each other. 
  • I wrote an email yesterday…………….. (i/wait) for the reply.
  • My uncle was singing in the choir, but now……………. (he/cook) food at a new restaurant.
  • We are …………………. (not/work) in Tokyo.
  • The crowd is…………. (come) from the stadium.
  • Why is she………….  (not/sleep)?
  • Who is…………. (answer) the call on line 4?
  • I am………….. (visit) the museum this weekend.
  • My head is………… (ache) so bad, I have to go to the hospital.
  • His father is always……………… (call) at 8 am.

Make sentences with the following words

1. Serve



4. Smile


6. Scream

7. Hunt




11. Skip


13. Prefer

14. match

15. Marry

16. Prepare

17. Sing


19. Obtain


21. Complete

22. Finish

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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