a group of rebels protesting on the street

M23 Rebels Continues Attacks On Congolese Civilians

Starting from mid-June 2022, the United Nations has reported a distressing toll of 29 individuals who lost their lives in Goma, situated within the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.). These tragic deaths have been primarily attributed to assaults carried out by the M23 rebels. Throughout the duration of the Congo Crisis, numerous innocent civilians have faced unwarranted fatalities, even in the wake of the Luanda Summit, an initiative aimed at fostering peace.

Regrettably, a substantial number of Congolese point fingers at the Rwandan government for allegedly backing these rebels. Nonetheless, Rwandan President Paul Kagame and his administration have consistently refuted any involvement in the D.R.C.’s instability, despite reports indicating the presence of Rwandan Defence Force personnel within Congolese territory.

In the eastern reaches of the nation, villagers have endured years of hardships encompassing tragic loss of life and property destruction. Nearly 200,000 individuals have been compelled to abandon their homes, their lives disrupted. Furthermore, the United Nations approximates that almost 20,000 children could potentially be prevented from completing their end-of-year exams scheduled for July. Over the past year, the security situation in Eastern Congo has taken a perilous turn for the worse. Allegations of unlawful killings and unjustifiable violence have arisen, implicating both armed rebel groups and government soldiers in these distressing incidents.

Reports from witnesses about the M23 rebels

On June 21, 2022, heart-wrenching testimonies were shared by witnesses with Human Rights Watch. These accounts were given in the aftermath of clashes around the village of Ruvumu, where M23 rebels reportedly carried out brutal killings of at least 17 civilians. Tragically, among the deceased were two teenagers. These young individuals were accused of providing information to the Congolese army regarding rebel positions and hideouts. Shockingly, some of them were shot while attempting to escape, while others faced close-range executions.

Human Rights Watch has released a comprehensive report since June, detailing narratives from survivors, witnesses, local authorities, activists, U.N. personnel, security forces, and diplomats. The report confirms that combatants from all sides have indiscriminately employed explosives within populated areas. Disturbingly, accounts abound of shelling targeting playgrounds, schools, and villages.

On July 17, 2022, the M23 rebels disavowed any responsibility for these tragic killings. Curiously, the group pointed the finger at the Forces Démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, or FDLR), a predominantly Rwandan Hutu armed group operating within the D.R.C., as well as the Nyatura, an armed Congolese faction dedicated to protecting Hutu communities.


It is imperative to maintain ongoing diplomatic pressure on both the governments of Rwanda and the D.R.C. in order to reach a peaceful resolution to a conflict that has inflicted immense suffering.

The United Nations (U.N.), the African Union (A.U.), and other influential global organizations should intensify their efforts to mediate a comprehensive solution to the conflict, one that not only brings lasting peace to the D.R.C. but also ensures accountability for those responsible for the turmoil.

The intentional targeting of civilians and their tragic loss of life constitute grave breaches of international humanitarian law, constituting war crimes that demand prosecution. The historical lack of accountability for human rights abuses within the D.R.C. has potentially emboldened those responsible for such actions.

Regrettably, individuals who have contributed to this dire situation still reside in the eastern part of the country today.

Original article published on 21 July 2022, on the Organization for World Peace.

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Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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