Sarah in Thailand

List Of Things To Do In Thailand

Thailand holds the distinction of being Southeast Asia’s top tourist destination, a title well-deserved. With its captivating blend of natural wonders, rich cultural heritage, top-notch tourism infrastructure, and seamless travel options, it’s a unanimous choice for travelers. My personal visit to Bangkok and Pattaya only affirmed this remarkable reputation.

In this captivating Asian gem, the array of attractions to discover in a week is abundant. The captivating cultural adornments along the roads left me utterly amazed. The majority of streets are well-paved, ensuring comfortable and seamless exploration.

With joy, I embraced the use of motorbikes, feeling secure as the rider provided a helmet. Opting for motorbikes proved cost-effective compared to taxis. Metered taxis and Uber offered on-demand transportation, while trains were readily accessible throughout Bangkok, with easy-to-purchase train cards at stations.

Yet, my preferred mode was evening strolls, savoring the city’s streets and adjacent parks. The pleasant weather added to my delight.

Visit the Thailand Aquarium

With its abundant water surroundings, encountering an artificial aquarium in Thailand felt natural. The SEA LIFE Bangkok Ocean World emerged as a delightful oasis to marvel at the wonders of the sea. A space where both youngsters and grown-ups could indulge in the joy of observing aquatic beauty.

A world of wonders unfolded before my eyes. I encountered the Seahorse Kingdom, vibrant coral reefs, thrilling shark walks, the enigmatic rocky hideout, and the captivating Shark Shipwreck. Jellies danced in ethereal beauty, while an ocean tunnel immersed me in a different realm.

Every detail was remarkably lifelike. The expansive aquarium showcased a myriad of marine species, accompanied by 4-D films and immersive underwater experiences. At the exit, a sea life shop showcased enchanting displays and souvenirs. Wallets resembled dolphins, shark pencils abounded, and creative mementos beckoned.

Market Tour

Nestled on Kamphaeng Phet 2 Road in Bangkok, the Chatuchak Weekend Market reigns as Thailand’s largest. Despite a short train journey, the experience was richly rewarding. Markets encapsulate the authentic local life, and as I wandered through, a vivid tapestry of Thai culture unfolded before me. Insights into their cuisine, clothing, and way of life became tangible.

Joy radiated from every corner, unsurprisingly. Conversations flowed, locals mingled, and foreigners like me were embraced with warmth. Language barriers proved a challenge, yet some attempted discussions, bridging the gap.

Though I couldn’t explore the entire expanse, touching upon the market was a treat. A pair of exquisite pants became my souvenir, a testament to the vibrant and affordable array of clothing—brimming with colors and priced more reasonably than in South Korea.

Tucked at the market’s edge, a leather crafts enclave beckoned. Here, desires transformed into tangible creations before your eyes. Unsure of a suitable keepsake, they presented a catalog brimming with possibilities. My choice? A passport cover.

In about half an hour, I witnessed the magic unfold. My name elegantly etched on a supple leather piece, an emblem meticulously added, and sections carved out for cards. The surprise? My role was choosing the leather hue—everything else was handled expertly.

Nearly five years on, that cover remains untouched by time. Skepticism about leather quality lingered, but their promise of authenticity rang true. Amid the myriad temptations to splurge, I resisted the allure, holding onto my cherished creation.

Shop at shopping Malls

Evening shopping in Bangkok is a soothing experience, a tranquil delight. While not compelled to shop for clothes or shoes, my curiosity piqued about mall offerings. The colossal Siam Paragon mall beckoned, and I was thrilled to explore its grandeur.

At every turn, shops adorned each floor, showcasing a plethora of items. The range was astonishing, from household essentials to budget-friendly delights. Each floor held a distinct identity, be it babies, electronics, or books.

Scaling the escalators, the sheer scale left me unsurprised that Siam Paragon ranks among Thailand’s largest and busiest malls. A realm of endless possibilities awaited with every step.

Linked to the BTS Skytrain station line, Siam Center emerges as a bustling hub for shoppers seeking various wares.

Within its vibrant array, traditional Thai costumes caught my eye, adorned with deity narratives. This revelation didn’t shock me, given Thailand’s deep-rooted religiosity. Their devotion to gods and reverence for ancestral legacy stood unparalleled. Kings held an exalted place in their hearts, intertwining history and esteem seamlessly.

Pattaya city

Concluding my journey, I adhered to my tradition of exploring other cities. A swift 2-hour bus ride transported me to Pattaya, another gem awaiting discovery. This coastal haven teemed with tourists, famed for its vibrant nightclubs, captivating cabarets, and expansive beachfront bars. Foreign faces dotted the streets and shoreline, a testament to Pattaya’s global allure.

First-class restaurants and lush gardens graced the landscape, and dusk brought a serene shoreline stroll, accompanied by the soothing sea breeze.

Thailand’s offerings extend far beyond, leaving you spoilt for choice. My two-week venture barely scratched the surface.

For more travel insights, explore here.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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