Soldiers preparing for war to protect a civilian

Integrated Armed Group Leader Increases Civilian Deaths In Central African Republic

Since 2002, the Central African Republic (CAR) has been experiencing deadly internal conflicts. Civilian deaths remain uncountable. This has caused over 1.1 million in a country of five million to flee. Some have either become internally displaced or become refugees in neighbouring countries, mostly in Cameroon.

The major causes of the conflict are religious identities, ethnic differences, and historical antagonism. This is between the Muslim Séléka rebel fighters and the Christian Anti-balaka militias.

Who is General Abass?

Based on Human Rights Watch’s findings, Abass, nicknamed Bi Sidi Souleymane is the leader of the 3R armed group. The 3R stands for Return, Reclamation, and Rehabilitation. They have and might still be a threat to the civilian population in CAR.

Now General Sidiki Abass is the military adviser to the prime minister. His appointment came by presidential decree. He manages special mixed units in the northwest zone. The area had some deadly attacks on May 21, 2019, in the Ouham Pendé province. Unfortunately, at least 46 civilians died.

Comments from a civilian

The presumed coordinated attacks happened in Koundjili and Lemouna villages. These are located in the town of Bohong the day after Abass.

Recounting to HRW, some villagers said, “He told us, ‘I came here peacefully, but it is you, the people of Bohong, who have declared war. Now I will show you how to shoot.” If a civilian recounts such deadly comments, it’s pathetic to imagine the thoughts of others.

This prompts the question: why can Abass not stop his barbaric acts after the peace accord? Are peace accords efficient? Is the peace integration strategy a success or a sham?. Perhaps these are the unanswered worries of all CAR families, especially the widows as their husbands died unexpectedly.

Despite the presence of 13,677 United Nations troops under the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in CAR (MINUSCA), the mass killings of the 3R are still rampant. MINUSCA’s mandate is to maintain the security of civilians.

What is the reaction of the African Union?

Was the AU-mediated Peace accord between 14 armed groups and the central governments a regrettable step or a commendable action? Signed in February 2018, to prevent civilian attacks, yet attacks continue. After a lengthy 18 months of talk, there seems to be no solution. This remains questionable as one of the 3 armed-group leaders was given a key government position but he is abusing his power.

Civilian war atrocities

The devastating information HRW received from interviewing 36 people in June, including 12 witnesses to the 3R killings and nine relatives of victims, confirms the gravity of these attacks on civilians.

Some atrocities committed by them include: burning to death a 40-year-old physically disabled woman, Monique Douma, in her house. Forcefully arresting and assassinating some of the male population publicly. Also, killing babies and young children. Dumping dead bodies into wells and latrines like that of Evariste Ngororo, a 39-year-old man.

Some local officials presume 3R’s May 21 attack is because they want to control the regional cattle migration routes. The bottom line remains, that attacking and killing each other has not been a solution in decades. Instability will come only after sustainable remedies in the future are discovered.

Comments from Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch CAR director, Lewis Mudge, outright condemned these acts, “The killings of these civilians are war crimes that need to be effectively investigated and those responsible brought to justice,” That the evidence implicates 3R and Abass, who have signed a peace accord designed to end such crimes, makes a prompt and independent investigation all the more urgent.”

Also, HRW is calling on the International Criminal Court to prosecute Abass even though he has handed three men to the government as perpetrators of the killings.


Appointing rebel group leaders into government offices was a refined peace tactic but it seems abortive in CAR. Armed groups will not completely drop arms. Neither can governments prevent deadly attacks entirely. However, the government and the international community should focus on educating the entire armed group. Every CAR civilian deserves a stable and peaceful life.

For the in-depth research on the CAR conflict, check the Crisis Index page of the Organization for World Peace.

To read more articles on conflict issues, follow this link.

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Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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