A woman holding her head because she is suffering

How to deal with suffering

Suffering, an inescapable facet of existence, accompanies us throughout life’s journey, presenting moments of hardship and ache.

No matter how cautiously we tread, suffering remains an inherent aspect of our path.

Quoting Romans 5:3-5 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”.

The Book of Job resonates with a profound comprehension and communion with God, often unveiled through periods of tribulation.

Enduring suffering unveils an opportunity to fathom the depth of our reliance upon God and our capacity to transcend disappointments.

It necessitates that we uphold our faith and draw strength from our spiritual convictions.

In more dire circumstances, suffering emerges as an authentic measure of our sagacity in grappling with life’s intricacies.

Our navigation through tumultuous contexts showcases the caliber of our maturity and insight in managing adversities.

A sermon by Pastor Lou Gallou at Antioch International Ministry highlights that suffering has the power to reveal our true nature.

It shows whether we are compassionate individuals, capable of skillfully assisting others who are hurting.

Through this testing, we come to understand ourselves better and discover our core character.

Here are some guidelines to follow during periods of suffering:

1. Attend church before and during your suffering time

By cultivating the practice of consistent church attendance, irrespective of life’s challenges, we equip ourselves to confront any circumstance with greater ease.

While it’s common for individuals to cease attending church or distance themselves during adversity, this approach doesn’t foster the growth of a steadfast believer.

Hebrews 10:25 underscores the significance of upholding the gathering of fellow believers.

As beings made in the image of the Triune God, our intrinsic nature yearns for community. Just as God exists as a divine community, our existence within families and social groups mirrors His design for interconnectedness.

Even in the extraordinary case of Mary’s virgin birth of Jesus, God chose to emphasize the importance of family structure rather than solitary birth.

Living within a community and maintaining regular church involvement unlocks life’s abundance.

It extends beyond sharing spiritual encounters and material resources, extending to the cultivation of genuine bonds.

Personally, my life has been enriched through active participation in various churches across diverse locations. These engagements have bestowed a multitude of positive influences upon me.

Through the church, I’ve imbibed the value of communal existence and received spiritual solace amid both jubilant and trying seasons.

My experience as a member of a church

Engaging in choirs and praise teams within the church has brought profound elation to my life.

This involvement has not only fortified my faith but also provided consistent vocal training. Moreover, it has afforded me the privilege of interacting with accomplished musicians and instrumentalists.

Every Sunday’s worship resonates as a festive celebration akin to Christmas, as I harmoniously unite with kindred spirits who share my convictions. Amid these gatherings, the witness of testimonies and miracles ignites within me a flame of hope and fortitude.

In summation, maintaining regular attendance at church stands as an immeasurable avenue for communal existence.

The encounters and bonds forged within these sacred walls hold a value beyond measure.

This transformative journey is one to be embraced, for it ushers in spiritual elevation, authentic camaraderie, and a profound reservoir of delight and inspiration.

A man feeling pain
A man feeling pain

2. Pray and study the Bible

The sentiment expressed is undeniably commonplace, yet it holds profound significance. Turning to prayer and the Psalms during moments of adversity remains a pivotal practice.

Spanning the scriptures, myriad verses underscore the trials of individuals.

Among these, the Psalms stand out, offering a glimpse into King David’s heartfelt conversations with God amidst hardships.

In these verses, David bared his soul, articulating raw emotions and contemplating his circumstances.

Remarkably, even in the face of perilous and intricate challenges, he affirmed God’s grandeur and benevolence.

This serves as a blueprint, inviting us to echo David’s transparency by communicating our thoughts and emotions to the Divine.

Understanding that our terrestrial encounters are transient and fleeting can propel us toward God, rather than away from Him.

This realization fosters trust and dependence, encouraging us to seek solace and direction in moments of distress.

Upon surmounting tribulations, it is pivotal to remember that these experiences equip us to illuminate the path for others.

Our victories stand as testaments to God’s constancy and the resilience He endows us with during trials.

Sharing our narratives of triumph not only exemplifies His faithfulness but also kindles hope and solace for those grappling with analogous challenges.

In summation, the practice of prayer and contemplation of the Psalms during times of turmoil transcends cliché, embodying substantial significance.

Mirroring the example set by King David, we embrace candor as we converse with God, simultaneously acknowledging His magnificence and benevolence.

By recognizing the evanescent nature of our earthly encounters, we embrace God’s presence rather than evading it.

Furthermore, our conquests through adversity empower us to be a beacon of hope, as we share our stories and illuminate others’ paths through the unwavering faithfulness of God.

How to help people who are suffering 

Since everyone is going through one tough time or the other, we cannot ignore each other.

There are few things we can do to assist them if they decide to share their thoughts.

1. Be an active listener 

Undoubtedly, active listening is a paramount aspect of effective communication today, though its mastery can be a formidable undertaking.

Yet, the benefits it reaps are substantial. In times of distress, individuals yearn for a sincere audience who will genuinely hear their words without constant interruption.

Amid such conversations, the art of withholding one’s personal tribulations is crucial.

While this gesture may appear as an attempt to relate, the reality is that no two circumstances are carbon copies.

Claiming to fully comprehend someone’s emotions when you haven’t undergone identical experiences risks being disingenuous.

Instead, validating their pain and emanating empathy proves more genuine.

Should the individual be open to guidance, steering them toward engaging with the Bible can be a wellspring of solace and direction.

Infused with wisdom, reassurance, and motivation, the Scriptures stand poised to provide strength and optimism during arduous periods.

Yet, not all possess the patience for protracted narratives in moments of adversity.

In such instances, alternative gestures of support hold equal weight.

Be it through hugs, prayers, financial assistance where feasible, or facilitating connections with those capable of aiding, each action bears the potential to significantly alter their circumstances.

In culmination, active listening stands as a pivotal communicative aptitude, yet it warrants refraining from immediate narrative sharing during another’s turmoil.

Instead, acknowledge their distress and extend empathy. Steering them towards solace in the Bible, coupled with diverse forms of support, can wield immense value and influence.

A woman holding her stomach because she is suffering

2. Don’t say it could be worse

In times of hardship, it’s a common tendency for individuals to view their own predicaments as particularly severe, occasionally overshadowing the gravity of others’ struggles.

Expressing sentiments like “it could be worse” when responding to someone’s challenges inadvertently might seem to disregard the depth of their suffering.

A pertinent verse in this context is 1 Corinthians 10:13, which offers reassurance to believers that the trials and tribulations they encounter are not singular experiences. God, steadfast and compassionate, assures us that He won’t allow temptations to overpower us beyond our capacity to withstand.

He always presents an escape route, enabling us to endure and triumph over these trials with a sense of joy.

Verily, only God delineates the boundaries of our endurance.

Prior to us encountering any situation, He comprehends our capabilities and ensures we aren’t confronted with more than we can bear.

His intention for us reaches beyond superficial religiosity, seeking a profound connection and intimacy with Him that transforms Christianity into a life-encompassing journey.

In summation, in times of suffering, extending empathy and understanding to others is pivotal, avoiding comparisons that might invalidate their anguish.

Instead, we can lean on the assurance of God’s unwavering constancy, trusting His insight into our limits.

Christianity beckons us to foster a profound relationship with God, where our faith equips us with the strength and perseverance to confront the trials of life.

3. Show love to the person suffering 

Showing love and support to someone during difficult times can indeed be interpreted in various ways, and it’s important to approach it with sensitivity and empathy. Here are some ways to demonstrate love and care for someone facing hardships:

  1. Appreciate and applaud their openness: When someone confides in you about their difficulties, acknowledge their courage and vulnerability. Let them know that you value their trust and that you are there for them.
  2. Spend time with them: Being present with the person during their struggles can be comforting. Sometimes, just sitting with them and offering a listening ear can provide immense relief.
  3. Empathize with them: Understanding and sharing in the person’s emotions can be powerful. Whether it’s laughing with them during moments of joy or crying with them during times of sadness, empathizing shows that you genuinely care.
  4. Pray with them and for them: If the person is open to it, praying together can be a meaningful way to provide spiritual support. Even if you are not physically present, letting them know that you are praying for them can offer comfort and assurance.

Does suffering have a purpose?

Acknowledging the purpose behind suffering is pivotal, knowing that God remains cognizant of each circumstance.

While comprehending the exact rationale for another’s pain might elude us, unwavering faith in God’s overarching design sustains us.

Imbibing wisdom from Scripture and immersing in gospel melodies extend comfort and direction when life turns arduous.

Moreover, confiding our tribulations in spiritually grounded companions fosters a nurturing network where encouragement and resilience flourish.

In summation, extending love and support during trying periods encompasses valuing, shared moments, empathetic resonance, and heartfelt prayers.

Placing confidence in God’s impeccable timing and finding solace within His teachings are integral elements for traversing the labyrinth of adversity.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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