A Bible verse about what you have believed.
Godly Living Posts / Quotes

What have you believed?

“As you have believed, so let it be done for you.” Matthew 8:13 Whether you are aware of it or not, what you believe affects

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God does not want is to worry about clothes, food and drinks
Godly Living Posts / Quotes

Why shouldn’t you worry?

Therefore do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For your heavenly Father knows that

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A person studying the Bible to know her source.
Godly Living Posts / Quotes

Who and what is your source?

In Law, lawyers are expected to quote their source whenever they argue a case. This is what enables the judge to make a final judgement.

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Quote about yourself
Godly Living Posts / Quotes

How do you see yourself?

How you see yourself, defines everything. God has made us to have identity in him. Do you know that? I have been crucified with Christ;

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A man standing on the top of the mountain as a hero
Godly Living Posts / Quotes

Who is your hero?

Almost everyone has a hero. Google defines a hero as a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Though that might be

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A lady reading a book about condemnation
Godly Living Posts / Quotes

Do you feel condemnation?

With the judgmental attitude of many people these days, it is challenging to not feel condemnation. However, hard life might be, be encouraged by this

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