Sarah giving thanks

Giving thanks is acknowledging the presence of Jesus

When we ccknowledge Jesus’ Presence by Giving Thanks, everything falls in place.

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

There are Christians who know in theory that Jesus is with them, but they do not actively practice His presence.

For me personally, one of the best ways to practice the presence of the Lord is to thank Him all the time.

You can give thanks to Him for everything. Just say, “Lord, I thank You for this beautiful sunset. I thank You for Your love and for surrounding me with good things and good friends.”

There is no limit to what you can thank Him for since every good and perfect gift that we enjoy today comes directly from Him (James 1:17).

Even if you have had a rough day at work and you are facing a seemingly impossible challenge, you can practice His presence.

When should you be giving thanks?

The moment you realize that your heart is heavy with worry and your mind is plagued by anxiety, share your challenge with Jesus and thank Him that this problem is not bigger than His hands. Begin to surrender it to Him and depend on Him for His strength, power, and peace.

As you do that, you are already practicing the presence of the Lord. And as you honor His presence and behave like He is indeed with you, He sees it as faith in Him and intervenes on your behalf for your success in whatever situation you may be in.

What is an example of not appreciating God or people?

It is sad when Christians behave like some husbands who bring their wives to a party, only to ignore them completely. Their wives could be right there with them physically, but these guys are so engaged with their own friends, talking about the stock market, economy, or latest game on television, that their wives might as well not be with them.

Ladies, do you know men like that? Now, men who are reading this, I know you are not like that, so don’t get offended, all right? I know you cherish and love your wife.

What I am trying to illustrate is that just because someone is with you physically, it does not mean that the person feels appreciated by you.

Appreciation only occurs when you start acknowledging the presence of that person.

Now, what does the word “appreciate” mean? It means “to increase in value.” If you appreciate someone, the person increases in value in your eyes.

My friend, the Lord is already with you, so start to practice His presence. Begin by thanking Him, appreciating Him and increasing His value in your eyes. Certainly, you will see Him acting on your behalf.

This artcile is a devotional by Pastor Joseph Prince from New Creation Church, Singapore.

Please go here to read more devotionals and inspirational messages.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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