Past Perfect Tense
Definition: The past perfect tense is for talking about something that happened before something else. Examples They couldn’t fry the chicken because they had forgotten
Past Perfect Progressive
The Past Perfect Continuous is also the Past Perfect Progressive Definition: It is used to say that something had been happening before something else happened.
Present Simple Tense
Definition: The present simple tense is used to describe things that happen regularly and factual things. Regular activities: I eat breakfast at 8 am every
Present Continuous Tense
Definition: The present continuous tense is used to show that the action is not complete. The action (s) is/ are presently ongoing at the time
Understanding the Present Perfect Tense: Definition and Structure
Definition: The present perfect defines an action that started in the past but has an effect in the present. Example They have gone home. We’ve
Present Perfect Progressive Tense
The Present Perfect Continuous is the same as the Present Perfect Progressive Tense. Definition: It is used to say that something had been happening before
Future Simple Tense
The Future Simple Tense is used to talk about things that have not yet happened. Sentence structure: subject + will + base form of verb
Future Progressive Tense
The future progressive tense, also known as the future continuous tense, is used to describe actions that will be ongoing or in progress at a
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