Godly Living Posts / Quotes

Two men shaking hands as a sign of commitment to a deal

Commitment: A Journey Guided by the Holy Spirit

Maintaining commitment in today’s generation often seems like a distant aspiration. While many individuals enthusiastically embark on new endeavors, only a minority display the readiness and determination to sustain their efforts over the long term. Consider the scenario of gym memberships, which see a surge in January as people declare their intentions for weight loss

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We all need encouragement. Sometimes, a few words-quotes uplift our hearts. 2 Thesalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 2 Corinthian 13: 11  Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be

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3 Steps on How to be free from offenses

Harboring offenses towards one’s parent(s), friend(s), ex-husband, boyfriend, engaged partner, or colleagues, just to name a few, is a negative way of life. Agreeably, they have wronged us either knowingly or unknowingly. Holding their error against them in our hearts is like drinking poison and expecting other people to die. The definition of offenses is

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forgiveness written on sand at a beach

Forgiveness: A Four-Step Path After a Relationship Ends

Darkness cannot dispel darkness; only light has that power. Unforgiving corrodes the heart of its holder. While it’s unpredictable whether someone may inflict pain upon you, your response after being hurt can be your choice. The most constructive response is forgiveness. Persisting in an emotionally unforgiving state following a separation from a husband, fiancé, or

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