zanzibar village

Best things to do in Jambiani village, Tanzania

Jambiani, located on the Tanzanian island of Unguja in Zanzibar, is a cluster of villages. When I hopped on the bus heading towards the southeast coast, I grew impatient once we passed Paje. To my surprise, there was yet another village called Makunduchi beyond Jambiani.

If you seek a beach holiday with a relaxing atmosphere, Jambiani is said to be the perfect destination.

When I made the decision to venture far from the main city center in Zanzibar and stay in a village, I had no idea what to expect.

My curiosity was piqued, and I felt satisfied with my boldness. One of the most fascinating aspects I encountered here was the seaweed business among the locals in Tanzania. Along the coastline, numerous farms can be found, employing around 15,000 individuals, with a majority of them being women.

jambiani village tour
Jambiani village tour

Take village walk

During my initial stroll along the beach, an intriguing sight captured my attention. I observed women strategically placing sticks into the ocean and affixing seaweeds to them, nurturing their growth and size. These seaweeds were carefully harvested and left to dry under the warm sun for a number of days.

Eventually, they would be sold to a confectionery company. Among these diligent individuals, I encountered a warm-hearted woman who graciously shared these fascinating details with me.

Jambiani men and women doing their daily activities

On the flip side, the men in the village were engaged in fishing activities.

Despite being a seemingly small village, it possessed all the necessary elements for a simple and self-sustaining life.

There were local shops, mosques for worship, uninterrupted electricity, a reliable water supply, and a welcoming atmosphere.

English wasn’t widely spoken among the villagers, as it was the case throughout the entire country.

However, whenever our paths crossed on the roadside, they never failed to offer warm greetings. I cherished their radiant smiles and their willingness to lend a helping hand.

I assure you that taking a stroll through the village would be a delightful experience. It is advisable, however, to avoid walking during the scorching noon hours due to the intense heat. Carrying an umbrella would be beneficial if you decide to venture out.

The relentless sun had left my skin tanned, but that didn’t deter me from exploring the sandy narrow streets, seeking shade under the lofty palm trees, or admiring talented painters capturing the essence of the village through their artwork.

street arts
Jambiani street pottery arts and furniture

Apart from the famous beach swimming, I added an exceptional place to visit at the end of this article. You would be interested in this.

1. Swim at the Jambiani beach

Jambiani’s pristine white sand beach ranks among the most breathtaking I have ever encountered.

Being a beginner swimmer at the time, it served as the perfect location for honing my newfound aquatic skills.

The primary allure lies in the expansive lagoon with its shallow and gentle waters, making it ideal for wading.

Moreover, the beach offers ample opportunities for snorkeling and diving, providing a mesmerizing glimpse into the underwater world.

Thanks to its consistent sideshore winds, it also emerges as a sought-after destination for wind- and kitesurfing enthusiasts.

I vividly recall my awe-filled exclamation upon laying eyes on the barrier reef, located a few kilometers offshore, boasting a magnificent crystalline turquoise hue.

During the hours of 11:30 am to 4 pm, when the high tide rolled in, swimming in the Indian Ocean became an absolute delight.

Some days, I found myself immersed in the water for two or three hours, unable to resist the temptation to continue.

The shallow areas were particularly favorable for my attempts at fish-like dives, sans fins. I couldn’t help but chuckle at myself as the waves propelled me farther than my own energy could carry.

Me, swimming at the ocean
Me, swimming at the ocean

Enjoy the beach walk

During certain evenings, both I and fellow foreigners took pleasure in leisurely beach walks, taking advantage of the low tide.

The tranquil ambiance of the warm sunset provided an ideal setting for personal reflection and meditation, at least in my case.

Whether welcomed or not, it was common to encounter Masai businesspeople who would approach you, showcasing their exquisite and vibrant beadwork.

Despite the language barrier, many of them would make an effort to engage in conversation, even if I couldn’t understand Swahili.

In response, a simple smile was the gesture I offered, as engaging in lengthy discussions proved challenging.

Additionally, I found great delight in visiting the shops of beach artists. Their creations, adorned with vibrant hues depicting either Tanzanian or African culture, captivated my attention.

I couldn’t resist admiring and even touching these magnificent pieces. It was truly a gratifying experience, akin to a free tour through a captivating art gallery, one that I gladly embraced.

beach arts
beach arts

2. Go Cave touring

In my quest to discover activities in the quaint village, I stumbled upon an unexpected gem.

It happened during one of my leisurely walks around Jambiani, where I would wander along the main road, attentively scanning the signboards for anything intriguing.

It was during one of these meandering explorations that my eyes caught sight of a cave tour.

Intrigued, I ventured into a seemingly hidden and overgrown bushy area in search of this intriguing discovery.

Although the tall grass and desolate, unpaved road initially instilled a slight sense of unease, my apprehension dissipated as I noticed people coming and going.

Eventually, I arrived at the entrance gate of the Congoman Cave and Restaurant, nestled on the edge of the dusty road.

The place was a delightful departure from my expectations.

The main courtyard bloomed with vibrant flowers, and every corner exuded cleanliness and meticulous care. I was greeted by a polite receptionist, who promptly called the owner to address my numerous inquiries.

Under the scorching sun, a young man wearing a simple t-shirt made his way towards me with a warm smile.

Curiosity sparked in his eyes as he greeted me, eager to know the purpose of my visit.

Within seconds, he deduced from my accent that I was African, and we engaged in friendly conversation.

As I snapped photos of the striking wall adorned with vivid colors and an intricate map of Africa, he introduced himself as Congoman and confirmed that he was the proud owner and manager of the establishment.

Why did Congoman start the cave business?

As he began narrating the history of the place, I eagerly absorbed his words, intrigued by the story he had to share.

In his own words, he revealed that he had once embraced the Rastafarian lifestyle, sporting thick dreadlocks and indulging in recreational drug use.

Unfortunately, society often associates such behaviors with drug addiction or criminal activity.

Several years ago, an unfortunate incident occurred that brought international attention to Tanzania.

A French tourist was tragically kidnapped and killed, prompting the Tanzanian government to launch an intensive investigation to bring the perpetrator to justice.

In their pursuit of justice, random military arrests were carried out across Zanzibar, including the area where we stood.


People like him- Congoman could’ve had been easily arrested and detained because of his lifestyle.

To evade the situation, he cut his hair and reformed his life.

It was then, that the initiative to manage the cave came to his mind. 

When is the cave open?

Between the hours of 10 am and 6 pm, visitors have the opportunity to join Congoman on a guided tour of the cave.

However, the restaurant only opens at 8 pm, which was too late for me to wait for a meal.

Nonetheless, I quenched my thirst by purchasing a refreshing bottle of fresh fantasy to soothe my parched throat.

For those interested in making a reservation, it is advisable to contact them at +255 786 251 067.

Initially, I hadn’t planned on venturing into the cave, unsure of what fascinating discoveries an underground African cave with potentially limited lighting could hold.

To my surprise, Congoman generously offered to show me the first section of the cave’s entrance free of charge.

Despite not having allocated a specific budget for such an adventure, my curiosity was piqued. We descended down a narrow steel staircase, allowing us to explore the cave from top to bottom. This particular area was adequately illuminated, enabling me to observe the surroundings.

The tour sparked my interest, but I felt a sense of unease about continuing alone. Had there been other tourists or friends accompanying me, I would have been more motivated to explore further beneath the surface.

As Congoman tossed a small rock, its loud impact with the water resonated throughout the cave, capturing my attention.

congoman cave
congoman cave

How long does it take to tour the Jambiani cave?

Congoman mentioned that within one hour, we could explore various sections of the cave. However, I wasn’t inclined to stay for an extended period.

The cave walls had sharp edges, requiring us to bend or crouch while navigating through certain areas.

To my surprise, I noticed a small chair resting idle in one corner, providing a spot for rest. In an effort to make the most of my brief visit, Congoman used the edges of the sharp rocks to create random music, producing a unique and otherworldly sound.

The silence within the cave was so profound that even the slightest sound could be heard, as if the air itself was dense with tranquility.

The hanging rocks exhibited a striking whiteness unlike anything I had ever seen before.

Even when I reached out to touch them, the sensation was indescribable. It became evident to me that there was likely more to explore and appreciate within the cave.

Congoman assured me that they had helmets, boats, and torches available for all visitors, much like engineers, in case of any unexpected occurrences underground. He emphasized his expertise and professionalism when it came to cave exploration.

However, I would strongly recommend conducting your own research on cave safety before embarking on such a tour.

Although I felt unprepared to venture into the cave alone, I was convinced by the precautionary measures Congoman had in place to address any potential accidents or mishaps.

What else is in the vicinity of the cave?

Continuing with my complimentary tour, I remained grateful to Congoman as he proceeded to show me various points of interest.

We walked behind the small houses, which he mentioned were available for rent to guests.

These fully furnished rooms were specifically designed for long-term stays. Before I could express my interest in potentially staying there, he informed me that he only accepted guests who planned to stay for a minimum of six months.

According to him, the rental income helped sustain him since cave tours were not conducted regularly. I found his approach fair and understandable.

As if the surprises weren’t enough, Congoman invited me into one of his uniquely designed houses.

The bathroom walls were adorned entirely with colorful bottle caps, creating an eye-catching mosaic.

house for rent beside the cave
House for rent beside the cave

For pet enthusiasts, there was a friendly and sizable dog on the premises.

The peaceful atmosphere enveloped me during the short time I spent there.

Unlike other parts of the city where the sound of nearby mosques or loud music would often echo, here there was only the gentle serenade of crickets singing from the surrounding bushes.

Reflecting on my month-long stay in Jambiani, I couldn’t help but wish I had discovered this place earlier.

Whether it was the steel-colored butterflies thoughtfully placed in the garden to resemble real ones or the captivating artworks scattered throughout, I couldn’t help but imagine the wonderful ambiance of dining in this enchanting location.

I wholeheartedly recommend this place as an ideal spot to unwind and soak up the evening vibes.

3. Shop at the Jambiani plaza.

Upon hearing about the plaza, I initially envisioned a sprawling mall.

However, to my surprise, it turned out to be a single-floor L-shaped building.

Despite its size, many regarded it as a remarkable shopping center due to the variety of amenities it housed. Inside, there was a spacious European-style supermarket, a bank branch, an ATM, an Italian restaurant, a medical clinic, a store specializing in hotel supplies, Tanzanite jewelry, and a myriad of other offerings.

Notably, the restaurant situated at the front of the plaza was reputed for its delectable pizza.

I embarked on a shopping trip at this establishment, where I purchased various essential items such as sardines and rice, among other necessities.

To explore further experiences and insights, I would recommend visiting the AFRICABZ.COM website, where fellow tourists have shared their thoughts and recommendations.

Jambiani plaza

Your trip to Zanzibar will be incomplete if you don’t take a picture in front of the large concrete statute, ” I Love Zanzibar”.

This link has tips of things you can do in other cities around the world.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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