Author name: Sarah Luma

3 Steps on How to be free from offenses

Harboring offenses towards one’s parent(s), friend(s), ex-husband, boyfriend, engaged partner, or colleagues, just to name a few, is a negative way of life. Agreeably, they have wronged us either knowingly or unknowingly. Holding their error against them in our hearts is like drinking poison and expecting other people to die. The definition of offenses is […]

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Birth Vision

Birthday poem: Fulfilling my birth purpose I am music. I love music with my whole being. I have been singing since I could read a sentence. I write songs to share God’s love every day. I teach my generation and generations to come how to honor God in praise. As I walk, I proclaim songs

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21 Rohingya Adults and Children, Detained Amidst Myanmar Crisis

Original Article– October 12, 2019 Recently, Myanmar’s authorities imprisoned 21 Rohingya adults and inhumanely detained several children. Human Rights Watch’s Asia director, Brad Adams, explains the main reason: “These 30 men, women, and children are being punished for simply seeking an escape from the daily brutality they’ve been subjected to for years.”  The Myanmar crisis

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Three UN Refugee Agencies Insist On Education Amendments For Refugees In Europe

UN Refugee Agencies Insist On Education Amendments For Refugees

Humanitarian agencies have been engaged in promoting refugee rights. For example, the UNHCR, UNICEF, and IOM are admonishing European governments to revamp education for refugee and migrant children, as they name some of the challenges faced by these children. These include inadequate school spaces, language barriers, inadequate teacher training, and limited access to psychosocial support.

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forgiveness written on sand at a beach

Forgiveness: A Four-Step Path After a Relationship Ends

Darkness cannot dispel darkness; only light has that power. Unforgiving corrodes the heart of its holder. While it’s unpredictable whether someone may inflict pain upon you, your response after being hurt can be your choice. The most constructive response is forgiveness. Persisting in an emotionally unforgiving state following a separation from a husband, fiancé, or

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The love of a mother shown by her carrying her child

Love of a mother

What is the love of a mother? This poem is dedicated to my beloved deceased mother. I still love you, Mummy Frida. Destined at that time. A wail so loud like the hurricane winds. With teary joyful eyes, she wiped my tears. Happy heart, I saw the smile. Thirsty and hungry all the time. Food

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