Author name: admin

A man on a mountain

Mountain Majesty

Have you been to a mountain? Pilling on each other, they don’t complain Trying to hold each other firm seems to be the plan. One would think they are brothers from birth, but they aren’t. I speak of the big and small rocks up the mountain. Deep down, they have become small lakes. A refreshing

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A woman holding her head because she is suffering

How to deal with suffering

Suffering, an inescapable facet of existence, accompanies us throughout life’s journey, presenting moments of hardship and ache. No matter how cautiously we tread, suffering remains an inherent aspect of our path. Quoting Romans 5:3-5 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character,

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A boy changed and hugged his father

Why Tommy changed

Tommy, the youngest son in his family, had always enjoyed the privileges that came with being the last-born. He changed due to some situations. He often took advantage of his parents’ love and occasionally disobeyed their instructions, staying out late to play football with his friends. Despite his parents’ repeated reminders to return home by

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