Christy holding her bag to go spend Christmas in Cameroon

Christy’s Christmas in Cameroon

Every year, Christy’s family travels to another country for Christmas. They all pack their clothes after they have checked the season. Last year, Christy decided to have Christmas in Cameroon, an Africa country. She was delighted to learn that they will be conducting a tour of many cities.

First thing, she was surprised to find out that Christmas is in the dry (sunny) season. It was windy and hot for the two weeks that they stayed there.

One of the highlights of the trip was that they spent a lot of time at the beach, swimming and talking to new friends. The black sand at the sea was strange, but soft for her to build her sand castles. 

They were surprised to see that there were no decorations on the streets. Only a few shops played Christmas carols, but a lot of people went to churches on Christmas Eve and day. 

At lunchtime, most people they visited served chicken in tomato sauce with rice, plantain or yam. Neighbors shared their food with other neighbors and enjoyed eating with family. Drinks were given to everyone who visited, and it was impossible to refuse.

What do children do on Christmas day in Cameroon?

Many kids were extremely excited because they wore new special clothes and shoes. Their parents gave them only on Christmas morning as a surprise Christmas gift. 

For those who didn’t live beside the ocean, they went to one day amusement parks and played many games. It was very noisy, crowded and full of fun.

The most surprising thing for Christy was that, she heard, the Muslims in three northern regions out of the 10 regions in Cameroon do not celebrate Christmas. Though they also have a public holiday, some visited their Christian friends, to eat delicious snacks and non pork meals.

On the streets, it was common to see people drinking beer at bars and watching football while joyfully yelling at the players. 

The vibe of Christmas in Cameroon was different, yet they had a lot of fun memories. 

To enjoy more children stories, check this link.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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