Two girls infront of a clothes shop

Fura Street Clothes Shop

Down the main street called Fura at Ginga town, there is a big clothes shop. This large business place has all kinds of designs and colours for every age. 

On Saturday evenings, it is usually crowded with shoppers.

However, at the end of every month, 10-year-old Ivana, and her friends always go there to shop on Friday evenings. They buy two items every time they shop. 

Last month, Ivana bought two plain t-shirts and a pair of shorts.

Eleanor got a pair of trousers and one blouse.

Charlotte chose a mini-skirt and a long top.

Amelia was undecided, but she took a yellow long sleeve gown and a hoody.

On the other hand, Alice wanted to change her pyjamas, so she got a new one which had long panties and a t-shirt.

For John, he wanted shirts, that’s why he got both the long and short sleeves. 

Suzy and her brothers like to go to the pool no matter the season. This time she bought a green swimsuit, and a pair of swim shoes. 

For the next summer, Jane bought a hat and a pair of slippers.

Peter loves sneakers, that’s why he went for the blue one and a pair of white short socks. 

Types of clothes
Types of clothes

What other clothes did Ivana’s friends buy?

After a long reflection, Gina decided to buy the brown jumpsuit and a pair of sandals.

Since it was the end of summer, Celina chose to get the furry brown jacket beside the shop door and a winter cap.

Tina likes to go running with her parents in the morning, so a tracksuit was perfect for her.

According to Kuka, a pair of jeans and a coat will be the best for cold evenings, that’s what he got. 

Junia and his family were invited for a wedding the following weekend, so he decided to get a black suit and a pair of brown shoes.

Since Fredy doesn’t like feeling cold, he bought two scarfs, a pair of black gloves and a thick pullover.

Tia’s mum was busy that weekend, so she told her to buy only 2 vests and 5 underwear. 

To everyone’s surprise, Mimi chose an apron because she loves helping her mother to cook in the kitchen.

Recently, James and Julia-the twin, told their Dad they would like to join him and go to the gym. On this day, they bought two pairs of gym clothes. 

At the end of the shop, Sani had difficulty deciding which bathrobe to choose. With Ivana’s help, she got the pink one and a tank top. 

All of them bought raincoats before leaving the clothes shop, because it started raining while they were shopping, and they couldn’t go back home. 

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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