A girl reading a tale to her friends

Besisy’s tale about water

Once upon a time, in a sunny village, there lived a cheerful girl named Besisy who loved to share a tale with her friends every weekend. She loved playing outside, running through the green fields and dancing with the butterflies. But there was one thing she loved even more – water!

Besisy knew that water was like magic for our bodies. It was like the superhero that kept us strong and healthy. She would often tell her friends about the wonders of water.

One bright morning, Besisy gathered her friends under the big oak tree. “Hey, everyone!” she called out, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Let me tell you a tale about why water is amazing for our bodies.”

Curious, her friends gathered around. Besisy began her story with a twinkle in her eye.

What did Besisy tell her friends?

“Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was a kingdom called Limbe.

Everyone’s body was like a little kingdom of its own. Now, in this kingdom, the most precious treasure was water. Every morning, the people of Limbe would drink water to keep their bodies happy and healthy.”

Besisy’s friends listened intently, their imaginations coming to life.

“Now, the queen of Limbe was a wise lady named Queen Menyoli. She would remind everyone to drink water every day. She said, ‘Water is like a magic potion. It helps our bodies stay cool, our skin stays soft, and our muscles stay strong. It helps us think clearly and run faster. Water is our best friend!'”

Besisy paused for a moment, her friends hanging onto every word.

“One day, a little boy named Tonye forgot to drink water. He was playing games all day and didn’t feel thirsty. But, oh my, his body felt tired, and his head felt like a balloon. He realized he needed water, just like the plants need rain. He rushed to drink water, and guess what? His body thanked him by making him feel strong and energetic again!”

Besisy’s friends giggled, imagining Tonye’s funny adventure.

What is the lesson of the tale?

“From that day on,” Besisy continued, “everyone in Limbe remembered to drink water. They knew that water was like a magical potion that kept their bodies happy. And whenever they saw a stream or a puddle, they would smile and say, ‘Thank you, water, for making us strong and healthy!'”

Besisy’s friends clapped and cheered, excited by the tale she had woven.

And so, Besisy’s story taught her friends the magical importance of water for their bodies. From that day forward, they all promised to drink water and keep their bodies as strong as the brave people of Limbe. And whenever they felt thirsty, they would remember Besisy’s story and the incredible adventure of Queen Menyoli and her kingdom of healthy bodies.

To read more children tales, go here.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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