loves you

Do you know how much God loves you?

God loves you without no bounds—it’s unconditional and all-encompassing.

Every facet of our lives matters to Him, and His desire is for us to encounter His boundless love in every step we take.

No detail is too trivial or challenge too immense for Him to take notice of. All it takes is an open heart, coupled with unwavering faith, and He unveils Himself to us, showering us with love and grace.

Throughout my journey, I’ve witnessed God’s love and power in ways that words struggle to capture.

From moments that teetered on the brink of danger to instances that fundamentally reshaped my existence, God’s presence has been palpable.

Though recounting every instance here is beyond the scope of this post, my purpose remains steadfast—to reaffirm that God’s care extends to you, even if you don’t feel it in the moment.

It’s important to understand that feeling God’s love isn’t a matter of physical sensation but a matter of unwavering belief, rooted in His Word.

In the pages of Scripture, His love is professed, and we are called to embrace it without reservation.

This post delves into the story of the Canaanite woman, showcasing how her open heart paved the way for divine intervention.

The crux of the matter lies in faith. God stands prepared to meet us exactly where our needs converge, provided we lean on Him and embrace His presence with hearts wide open.

The Faith of a Canaanite Woman

Matthew 15:21-28

21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” 23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” 28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

Background story

While earlier verses may not detail Jesus’ miracles in various places, it’s characteristic of His journeys to perform miracles and leave an indelible impact.

In this instance, His commitment led Him to tread a considerable distance into the region of Tyre and Sidon, prompted by the fervent prayers of a woman seeking a healing miracle.

The battle for our minds is real, with the adversary seeking a foothold.

Conquering these malevolent forces necessitates a potent spiritual strength. The plight of this woman’s daughter encapsulated the need for deliverance.

Recognizing that only God held the power to heal, she embarked on a journey of faith.

However, she belonged to the Gentile Canaanite community, separate from the direct teachings of Jesus and culturally distinct.

Undeterred by these obstacles, the woman, despite her outsider status, persisted in her cries to Jesus.

Acknowledging the regional divide, He acknowledged the distinction. But her determination to receive from Him remained unshaken.

In our faith journey, let’s not be disheartened by passing judgment on fellow believers. Instead, let’s center our gaze on Christ—the unchanging cornerstone of Christianity.

Amidst the diversities within the body of believers, focusing on Christ’s teachings and example will guide us steadfastly.

How did Jesus show that he loves her?

Initially perceiving the woman’s intentions as veiled, Jesus discerned a transformation when her plea for help was earnest. Demonstrating love to someone feigning sincerity can indeed be challenging.

Yet, when she transitioned from approaching Him as a stranger to genuinely seeking His assistance, Jesus unveiled Himself to her.

This mirrors the profound connection between faith and the revelation of God’s true nature. When we authentically turn to Him, His essence is revealed.

In moments where circumstances elude our control, a simple act suffices: beseeching God for aid.

The journey to Tyre by Jesus, undertaken with the sole purpose of healing this woman, underscores His recognition of her heart’s intent.

Here lies a pivotal lesson: our dialogue with God should encompass all aspects of life.

He is omniscient and stands willing to extend His aid. Just as she persisted in her pursuit, continually seeking Jesus’ attention, we too are urged to maintain unwavering determination in our approach to Him.

Even as it may have seemed that Jesus disregarded her initially, it’s plausible He was observing her patience, gauging her resolve for deliverance.

Indeed, Jesus’ love is unwavering, and He anticipates our persistence in seeking Him.

In sum, the Canaanite woman’s narrative portrays the beautiful dance of faith and love, ultimately reminding us to hold firm in our pursuit of God’s presence, regardless of any initial setbacks.

No one loves you like God. 

Assertive though it may be, the statement stands resolute: God’s love transcends the realms of our comprehension, reaching depths that defy imagination.

His profound interest extends to reshaping the very fabric of our life circumstances. Our key lies in unwavering dependence upon Him.

Guided by this truth, our duty finds purpose in delving into the Word of God. Gaining spiritual knowledge of Him itself becomes a form of warfare, for the enemy seeks to undermine this connection.

Yet, our personal communion with God becomes a potent weapon against such endeavors.

Through this bond, our peace and joy stand as formidable attacks on the adversary’s schemes.

One word which has blessed me in all the sermons I have watched from Pastor Joseph Prince is that, “I am not a face in the crowd. I am a unique person to God. He loves me.”

How can we overcome the devil?

Luke 10:19

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

One thing is certain, as we invest in the word of God, we will be able to trample on the devil. Nothing will hurt me.

We have the inherent power of God with us to overcome the darts of the devil.

I always feel the need to explain the length of my problems to God. He knows the time. But a reflection in this verse sows, God is not going to respond to us based on how long we have had an issue. If we have faith in Him, we will experience his love in the best time.

If you believe that God will meet you where you are, spend tjme studying these articles to grow spiritually.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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