
Grandma Dashem’s tales

On Sunday evenings, Grandma Dashem delighted her five grandchildren, ranging from 5 to 13 years old, with captivating tales from her youth.

This cherished tradition had become a favorite activity for the entire family, and the children eagerly looked forward to these storytelling sessions.

They begged their parents to take them to visit Grandma Dashem, knowing that they would be treated to her amusing stories.

Seated comfortably in her recliner, Grandma Dashem began sharing a story about her love for cooking.

As the grandchildren nestled beside her feet, savoring slices of cake, they listened intently, their eyes gleaming with curiosity.

With her usual warm smile, Grandma Dashem recounted her earliest memories of the kitchen.

She recalled how, at the tender age of 3 or 4, her mother would insist that she join her during meal preparations. Her mother patiently taught her the names of various ingredients and guided her as she added them one by one into the pot.

Their humble abode had a three-stone fireplace, and the heat was always intense, requiring constant stirring to prevent burning.

Through repeated lessons, Grandma Dashem learned the art of mixing ingredients seamlessly.

By the time she turned 7, her mother entrusted her with additional tasks.

When did Grandma start cooking?

At this age, Grandma Dashem learned to grind hot chili peppers and other spices using a large grinding stone.

Initially, her fingers would ache from the unfamiliar motions, but with practice, she mastered the technique.

Her mother taught her how to arrange the spices on the stone and emphasized the importance of regularly washing her hands.

By the time Grandma Dashem reached 8 years old, she had become an expert at grinding spices, much to the amusement of her listeners.

Laughter filled the room as the grandchildren giggled at the image of their grandma mastering the art of grinding.

Grandma Dashem joined in the laughter before continuing her story.

She went on to explain that she finally began cooking meals by the ages of 9 to 10.

Her mother would sometimes leave her in the kitchen, closely observing from the living room to ensure everything went smoothly.

With her mother’s guidance, Grandma Dashem followed instructions on what ingredients to add.

These cooking sessions always made her heart race with anticipation.

She didn’t want to make mistakes because it would mean wasting ingredients and her mother’s hard-earned money.

So, she did her best to execute each step flawlessly.

What did her mother do?

Her mother would occasionally come into the kitchen near the end to inspect the food’s appearance and taste.

Once Grandma Dashem finished cooking and tidied up her workspace, her mother would distribute the food among her and her siblings, serving it for both lunch and supper.

Most of the time, the meals turned out delicious, but there were a few mistakes along the way.

In those instances, her mother corrected her with love and a gentle smile, reminding her to be more careful next time.

Whenever guests visited on the days Grandma Dashem cooked, her mother would proudly boast about her culinary skills and publicly encourage her.

Sometimes, she even rewarded her with money to buy juice when her meals were particularly outstanding.

This motivated Grandma Dashem to keep honing her cooking abilities.

Why did Grandma love cooking?

After many years had passed, Grandma Dashem developed a deep love for cooking, all thanks to her mother’s patient teachings.

She expressed her gratitude for having listened to her mother’s loving advice and proudly shared how proficient she had become in the culinary arts.

The grandchildren, inspired by their grandmother’s story, expressed their interest in learning how to cook like her.

Inquisitive gazes met Grandma Dashem’s expectant smile as she asked if they knew why her mother had insisted on teaching her to cook at such a young age.

The children giggled, unsure of the exact reason.

One of them ventured a guess, suggesting that her mother wanted her to be responsible in the future, especially if she ever lived alone.

Smiling warmly at the reply, Grandma Dashem nodded in agreement.

She explained that her mother had always emphasized the importance of being able to cook when she grew older, whether it be for university life or traveling abroad.

Her mother wanted her to be self-reliant, capable of preparing meals not only for herself but also for her future husband, children, and grandchildren.

Furthermore, Grandma Dashem’s mother wanted her to possess the ability to provide sustenance for herself in the event of her mother’s passing.

It was a lesson in independence and survival.

Grateful for her mother’s loving guidance, Grandma Dashem concluded her tale, basking in the admiration and appreciation of her attentive grandchildren.

The kids bid her farewell, thanking her with kisses before departing, their minds filled with newfound inspiration and a desire to cultivate their own culinary skills.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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