Gorilla infront of the mountain

Gorilla Tamto

Every morning, a gorilla named Tamto and his four brothers go on walks up Mount Kong to play. Tamto lives on the bamboo-covered slopes near the top.

These gorillas have thick fur that keeps them warm. It helps them stay comfortable in the cold weather on the mountain.

Danti and his friends heard that people visit the mountain to see Tamto. They asked their teacher if they could go too. She liked their idea, but she needed permission from the Principal. After telling all the parents, their teacher, Ms. Salma, gave them some rules to follow.

  1. If anyone is sick, they can’t go because gorillas can get sick from people.
  2. When near the gorillas, they have to stay 7 meters away.
  3. They shouldn’t try to feed the gorillas.
  4. No eating in front of the gorillas.
  5. Only Ms. Salma can take pictures with the school camera, no flash.
  6. No loud noises, gorillas might think it’s scary.
  7. If the gorillas come close, don’t touch them. They might get scared.
  8. No littering, they’ll eat at the park house.
  9. If a gorilla runs toward them, they should stand still.

Everyone listened and was excited about the mountain trip. Ms. Salma said gorillas are friendly if they’re not scared.

On the day of the trip, Danti and his friends walked for 40 minutes to where Tamto and his brothers were.

They saw them eating bamboo shoots, stems, and fruits.

When they finished eating, the gorillas began playing.

Danti and his classmates watched and smiled for 50 minutes. T

hey stood 8 meters away, and Ms. Salma took pictures.

It was an amazing experience they would remember forever.

Lesson: This is a short guide on how to prepare to visit Mountain gorilla.

Source of the story about a gorilla

Before you go on the trek, it’s good to know about the land and how high up you’ll go.

Remember that the rainforest ground might be muddy and the way can be very steep.

The walk might last from 1 to 3 hours before you find a gorilla family.

Read more about what to expect before you go on a trek to see gorillas here.

Go here to read more children’s stories.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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