korean language institute

Best Korean Language Institute in Cheonan, Korea

South Korea stands out not only as an educational hub in Asia but also as a tranquil sanctuary for studying. As I embarked on my Korean language journey in August 2015, uncertainty clouded my mind. I didn’t know how I would navigate life there.

Despite the unknown, I carried a myriad of expectations. They were fueled by the tales of fellow foreigners who had found success in this promising land.

My first study stop was at Sunmoon university Korean language institute.

Reflecting on my language learning journey, I realized the complexity of mastering new languages. Prior to my time in Korea, I had studied French as a native English speaker.

However, my experience with the Korean language at Sunmoon University for 1 year and 6 months was a whole new challenge. Here’s a summary of that transformative period.

Where is Sunmoon Korean language institute located?

Sunmoon University’s primary campus resides in Asan city, but the Korean language institute finds its home in the nearby city of Cheonan, just a short distance away.

Nestled within this compact campus are two prominent buildings, divided by a spacious sports complex.

The first building is exclusively designated for classes and administrative functions, while the second building serves as a dormitory, accommodating numerous foreign students.

The city of Cheonan is near Seoul and it has a unique historical museum.

Within the heart of the city, a plethora of activities await.

The bustling city center boasts an array of both Korean and international eateries, ensuring that no one goes hungry or struggles to find a place to dine.

Additionally, the presence of an intercity bus station and a conveniently located train station opens up access to a multitude of other cities across the country.

The large Shinsegae supermarket occupies a huge surface at this center with countless shops where you can buy almost everything from food to clothing.

cheonan city

During certain weekends, I eagerly joined my friends for lively karaoke sessions, and watching movies at the state-of-the-art cinema was an enjoyable pastime.

Situated a bit away from the city’s heart, the institute resided adjacent to a serene forested area.

While it could be easily identified by its prominent signboard and a designated bus stop along the main road, I often found myself indulging in leisurely two-hour walks from the campus to the city center.

Immersing in the verdant surroundings of the compact city, I relished capturing photos embracing or grinning beside street art sculptures.

The climate here exhibited distinct seasons: winter embraced snowy landscapes while summer brought scorching heat.

The Korean Language Institute’s structure

Every weekday morning by 8:30 am, all international students were required to gather at the main study block, a brief 7-minute stroll from the dormitory.

The classes were divided into various levels based on language proficiency.

A typical day comprised 4 hours of lessons, inclusive of breaks, during which students engaged in practical Korean language exercises under the guidance of their teachers.

Regularly, about every few weeks, level tests were administered to gauge progress and identify areas where support was needed.

The lessons predominantly revolved around dialogues, encouraging students to actively participate in Korean discussions.

Additional classes were occasionally provided for students like myself who encountered challenges while adapting to the language.

Each level was equipped with dedicated textbooks primarily featuring pictures and straightforward explanations, enhancing the visual appeal of the learning process.

Moreover, all classrooms were equipped with TVs and projectors, facilitating the integration of videos and audio materials into lessons to enhance efficient practice.

korean language

Every day, students were given homework to complete. Each classroom accommodated a maximum of 15 students, each occupying separate desks.

Classroom interactions flowed naturally, particularly for those students who were gearing up for the Korean Language Proficiency Test (TOPIK).

Among my most anxiety-inducing experiences was the day I had to speak in front of my class.

Delivering a presentation about Cameroonian culture in Korean remains etched in my memory.

Creating the PowerPoint presentation was straightforward, yet conveying my thoughts and ideas proved to be quite challenging. Despite the obstacles, I appreciated the numerous chances I had to actively utilize the language.

The Korean language institute’s dormitory

This spacious residence offers convenience to those seeking to avoid the hassle of commuting between the campus and the city.

The building stands tall with multiple floors.

The ground floor houses a gym, a store, a communal kitchen, and a restaurant.

Moving up to the first floor, you’ll find a spacious lounge. There are small conference rooms, and the administrative area for the dormitory.

Floors two through seven are dedicated to student accommodations. Each floor features a cozy sitting area that separates the male and female dormitories.

A crucial detail is that every student possesses a unique code on their student identity card. It grants them access to their designated hallway.

This ensures that gentlemen are unable to enter the ladies’ section, and vice versa. Within each section, communal showers and toilets are available.

The bedrooms are furnished with two bunk beds, accommodating four students. It also has a spacious study table with comfortable chairs.

Each evening, students’ presence is verified within their respective bedrooms, and the institute takes responsibility for ensuring everyone’s safety.

Meals are included in the tuition. So students can simply head down to the restaurant during specified morning and evening hours to dine.

As someone who is particular about food, I opted to cook in the student kitchen. I used the microwave to heat my meals, and storing them in the designated fridge within the corridor of the ladies’ bedroom section.

Korean language teachers

At Sunmoon, I had the privilege of interacting with some of the most accomplished professionals I had ever encountered.

Every one of them exuded an exceptional level of friendliness and approachability, always willing to lend an ear to students.

Their accessibility extended beyond school hours, and they readily provided guidance and assistance whenever requested.

Despite the toll that the demands of learning could take on my own demeanor, I couldn’t help but notice the consistent smiles on their faces, which served as a source of inspiration and encouragement.

korean language teacher
Some of my Korean tutors

As we progressed through various levels, we were fortunate to have different teachers along the way.

This rotation brought a rich diversity of teaching styles and perspectives, enhancing our learning experience. At the culmination of each year, we celebrated with special photoshoots that were featured in the university magazine.

Additionally, every semester saw students and teachers collaborating in a range of extracurricular activities that were both lighthearted and inspiring. As a fellow language educator, I found myself learning valuable lessons from them.

It intrigued me that many of them refrained from using English in class, opting instead for full immersion, but I was appreciative of the abundant free counseling and encouragement they offered me.

Their advice to persevere resonated deeply.

Sports and music competition

Despite the stressful study life, the institute was intentional about creating fun activities for students. This aspect was the most unexpected for me and I enjoyed participating in many of them.

The singing competition

On a selected day, an exciting competition was announced to all the students. Although not everyone could participate, the entire student body was invited to join the festivities. The enjoyable evening commenced with students showcasing their singing talents, representing various countries.

Awards were presented to the standout performers, with the top prize being a bicycle.

While I don’t recall the specifics of the other prizes, I hesitated and felt bashful about taking part. However, some of my African friends provided the much-needed encouragement for me to give it a try.

They know I love singing and it was an opportunity to share my talent with others.

It was a struggle to choose a gospel song to cover but I ended up doing Chris Morgan’s song I do. After several contestants, I performed joyfully.

The audience erupted in enthusiastic applause and energetic dancing, likely due to the infectious afro beats and perhaps my singing as well. When the competition concluded, I was thrilled to be announced as the first-place winner.

In a state of surprise and joy, I brought the bike prize back to my dorm.

However, I found that the bike required professional assembly, and since I only had a short walk to and from classes, it wasn’t essential for me.

After a few months, I decided to sell the bike to an African friend who lived off-campus. The bike suited his needs perfectly for his commute between downtown and the campus.


Sports competition

A surprising event was the mandatory all-wide sports day, which took me by astonishment.

Early in the morning, both students and teachers gathered at the expansive sandy sports complex.

We were grouped and assigned distinct colored wristbands, indicating our respective teams.

The day involved friendly competitions, including running, ball games, and various captivating Korean cultural activities.

The atmosphere was lively, filled with students cheering, laughter, and mutual encouragement.

The victorious teams were rewarded with prizes.

As the day concluded, students reunited with their classmates and shared snacks with their teachers.

The entire event was meticulously coordinated by the university, creating an incredibly enjoyable and memorable experience.

Korean food

Another engaging activity outside of our regular classes was cooking.

Being a selective eater, I was initially convinced that I wouldn’t enjoy all Korean cuisine due to some unpleasant experiences.

However, I was pleasantly surprised when we were informed about a unique opportunity to have a break from our studies and participate in a cooking session with our tutor.

Our tutor, as always, had taken care of the groceries in advance. All we needed to do was join in the cooking process.

Gathering in the dorm’s student kitchen, we adorned ourselves with cooking aprons.

Our tutor, Teacher Park, presented us with images of the dish and provided insights into its ingredients and historical background before we commenced our culinary adventure.

korean food

Teacher Park skillfully assigned different tasks to each of us, irrespective of gender. Some were responsible for chopping, others for washing, and the rest for cleaning.

Once the cooking was completed, we gathered around a spacious dining table to enjoy the delectable meal.

Although I can’t recall the exact name of the main dish, we prepared kimbap and pork, accompanied by an array of side dishes.

These dishes were crafted with ingredients such as carrots, mushrooms, and various traditional Korean vegetables.

Korean culture lesson

On a different day away from our regular classes, we were escorted to a designated room on the campus.

Inside, an array of traditional Korean attire, known as hanbok, was on display. Each student was given a few minutes to peruse the collection and select a garment that resonated with them. The majority of the outfits were similar in design, varying mainly in color.

I distinctly recall picking a vibrant, long orange gown.

Once adorned in our chosen hanbok, we were guided to another area designed for picture-taking.

Here, we had the freedom to capture as many photos as we desired, either alone or with our friends, against a backdrop of intricate posters.

However, before delving into our impromptu photography session, we were provided with insights into Korean culture.

Furthermore, our teacher engaged us in discussions about the historical identity of Koreans and some of their cultural practices.

One of these practices involved the venerable tradition of honoring ancestors.

In this ritual, Koreans bow reverently by lowering their heads to the ground while kneeling—a gesture of respect and remembrance for those who have passed away. We were invited to partake in this gesture as well.

korean culture

How we celebrated halloween

Back in October 2015, I can vividly recall joining in on the Halloween festivities.

This marked my very first foray into such an event. While I don’t personally subscribe to the deeper connotations of Halloween, the prospect of spending time alone in the dorm wasn’t particularly appealing.

Therefore, despite my reservations, I decided to partake. It was a campus-wide affair, taking place in the evening.

In the spirit of camaraderie with my friends, I painted my face in the likeness of a pumpkin and decked myself out in a witch’s costume.

The event was a lighthearted affair featuring dance performances and amusing games that evoked laughter and joy.

I was relieved to discover that there were no eerie or unsettling elements that might have made me uncomfortable.

Curiously, the institute thoughtfully provided an array of beverages for the students, excluding alcohol.

It was a welcomed respite from the usual exam-related concerns, offering a chance to simply enjoy the moment and unwind.

Out-of-city excursion

Another remarkable thing I did as a student was to be a part of the trip to Korea’s Disney World. Everland Resort is a beautiful theme park located in Yongin city.

The expansive park boasted a plethora of rides and enjoyable games. From the exhilarating twists and turns of the rollercoaster express to the fascinating zoo showcasing actual wildlife, there was an abundance of entertainment options to cater to all preferences.

Whether one’s inclination leaned towards enjoying live music performances or simply watching the exuberance of others as they embraced the various rides, the atmosphere was ripe with mirth. I distinctly recall chuckling at my own reactions, as well as those of fellow attendees who experienced a mixture of excitement and trepidation on certain rides.

Throughout the park, conveniently located food courts offered an array of culinary delights spanning different continents.

The Sunmoon University ensured that students were transported from campus to the park and even provided meals, turning the outing into a seamless and memorable experience.

As the day unfolded, a swirl of emotions ranging from elation to nervousness accompanied me through the various attractions. In the end, I was undeniably grateful to have been a part of the adventure.


Frequently, there was a new and exciting activity to partake in, occurring practically every other month.

At times, I found myself momentarily oblivious to the fact that I was attending school.

The institute made it a priority to shield students from being overwhelmed by the demands of language learning.

This was particularly crucial for students, including me, who were grappling with the linguistic challenges that were exacting a toll on our mental and emotional well-being.

My study experience

After making several unsuccessful attempts at the TOPIK exams and facing consecutive failures, I found myself sinking into a sense of discouragement that made it difficult to continue my studies.

Each time I received those failed reports, it felt like a heavy blow to my morale, especially considering the tremendous amount of time and effort I had invested in my daily learning routine. As I confronted my failures, I saw my enthusiasm for reading dwindle away.

By the end of the first year, I was on the brink of losing not just my academic motivation, but my overall sense of joy. This period of distress even took a toll on my physical health, causing me to lose weight due to the worry and stress.

I was plagued by persistent overthinking, and my spirits were at an all-time low, marking a stark departure from my prior experiences in academia.

However, with constant encouragement and support from my family, the Korean tutors, and my other friends, I took the burden off my shoulders. The teachers and students have several group chats on Kakaotalk ( a famous Korean chat application). Here, students can directly contact teachers and ask questions if they feel uncomfortable asking in class.

My perspective of TOPIK

As the sixth month came to a close, an overwhelming sense of joy enveloped me upon hearing the news that I had successfully passed the TOPIK – level 3 (intermediate).

The anticipation leading up to this moment had been a mix of hope and apprehension, as I had grown mentally weary from repeatedly encountering the word “failed” in my previous score reports.

Fearing yet another disappointment, I hesitantly reached out to my Korean language tutor and implored him to check the results on my behalf. It was around 4 pm when I received the news, and upon seeing the word “pass,” I was overcome with emotion.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I made my way to the room where my friends were, and I shared the incredible news with them. In that moment, my tears flowed freely as I released the built-up tension and celebrated the triumph that had finally come.

After a few minutes of tearful elation, I quenched my thirst with a drink of water, allowing the cool liquid to temper the intensity of my emotions.

Disadvantages of studying at Sunmoon Korean language institute

Just like everything in life, there is always a negative side to every positive thing. Some of the few limitations of studying at this institute include the following.

Language learning is a unique journey for each individual. In my case, tackling the Korean language presented an immense challenge.

The intricacies of the language were undeniably formidable, a sentiment that even seemed acknowledged by the Korean government, evident by the absence of a speaking section in the TOPIK exams back then.

While I’m uncertain if this has changed in recent times, during my period of testing, only writing, listening, and reading components were assessed.

The allocated time for many of the questions was quite limited.

My recommendation

My advice for those embarking on the path of learning Korean is to approach the endeavor with determination and diligence.

The language encompasses aspects ranging from mastering the alphabet to comprehending the structure of its characters and understanding cultural nuances. Especially for English speakers, the journey can be quite challenging. However, this challenge doesn’t equate to impossibility.

I’ve personally known numerous English speakers who not only succeeded but also achieved fluency in a relatively short span of time.

By acknowledging the anticipated challenges, the learning process need not become an overwhelming source of stress.

Lack of contact with Koreans

Due to its location slightly removed from the city center, the campus posed a challenge in terms of interacting with Koreans.

The campus predominantly comprised foreign students at various language proficiency levels.

Engaging in language practice within the campus community wasn’t as effective, as everyone was on their own learning journey. In order to engage with native Koreans, students needed to venture into the city. Some go by visiting bars, clubs, cafes, and similar venues.

For individuals like myself, who were more reserved and hesitant to initiate conversations with strangers in public spaces, the task of utilizing my Korean language skills proved difficult.

Within the dormitory, the desire to alleviate language-related stress often led to conversations in English with fellow English speakers and in French with my French-speaking friends.

Resorting to our native languages provided a sense of comfort. This resulted in limited or no use of Korean beyond the classroom.

It would have been more practical and feasible if the language institute were situated within the larger Asan campus.

The need to travel to the main campus for TOPIK exams highlighted the disconnect between our ability to access the main campus. It established lasting connections with native Koreans. The geographical separation posed a challenge to fostering meaningful interactions and friendships with locals.

korean language

Student magazine

Load of Korean language homework

One challenge that I encountered was the substantial amount of daily homework assigned.

While I acknowledge the importance of practice for language learning, the volume of homework often left little time for a life outside of class. It felt as though I was dedicating more hours to studying than what I considered normal.

After our daily classes, we were presented with numerous pages of homework. It is frequently consumed around 4 hours or even more of my time.

Additionally, there were exercises to complete over the weekends.

Considering the dynamic nature of Korea, it’s likely that circumstances at the Sunmoon Korean Language Institute have evolved since my experience in 2015.

While my account is reflective of that specific time, it may serve as a snapshot of that period. I assume that the core teaching methods and study structure might remain consistent. Although, I can’t provide a definitive update on the current situation.

Despite any changes, the serene atmosphere of the campus and the exceptional teachers will always hold a special place in my memories of studying there.

To read more articles about Korea and other countries, please go here.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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