everland park

Everland theme park

 Whether you’re a resident of South Korea or planning a visit, Everland resort should be on your list of relaxation destinations. Spanning around 1,200,000 square yards, this park offers a plethora of rides and activities.

The joy my friends and I experienced at this park was beyond measure.

everland fun

Everland, often referred to as Korea’s equivalent of Disney World, is situated in Yongin, a serene city in Gyeonggi-do province.

This resort is enveloped by rejuvenating natural surroundings. Statistics affirm its status as Korea’s largest theme park, and it secured the 19th spot globally in 2018. With annual reports indicating over 5.85 million visitors, Everland remains operational year-round, offering activities suitable for each season.

My visit in November 2015 proved to be an incredibly fulfilling way to embrace the holiday spirit during Christmas.


The expansive theme park is split into five distinct zones, and I couldn’t explore them all. There was an abundance of attractions and activities. As I disembarked from the bus, the intricate Christmas decorations immediately caught my attention.

Vibrant, sizable Christmas trees adorned nearly every corner, their bright lights creating a joyful atmosphere.

Upon entering the park, the first zone you’ll encounter is the Global Fair.

It’s home to numerous eateries and souvenir shops, offering unique artifacts at reasonable prices. The entire area was perfect for taking pictures.

Everland Safari tour

Were you aware that you can actually enjoy a mini-safari experience in Korea?

Contrary to common assumptions for Africans, this was my initial encounter with numerous wild animals up close.

everland safari

The zone that amazed me the most was Zootopia. As you might expect from the name, Everland features a small zoo where visitors can enjoy a safari ride. This compact zoo houses a variety of animals, ranging from birds, polar bears, penguins, lions, tigers, and sea lions to bears and primates. The setting is open, allowing the animals to roam freely, mimicking their natural habitat.

While some areas of the park offer limited views, to observe the animals up close, you can hop on a safari bus.

I joined one of these buses and had a fantastic time observing the animals and capturing photos. During the ride, I had the chance to see elephants, a zebra, a giraffe, geese, guinea fowls, and more.

These few minutes were truly worthwhile as it marked my first time being so near to wild creatures.

Towards one side, there is a petting zoo featuring animals like goats and sheep.

Interestingly, there’s even an elephant named Kosik who can mimic Korean words. If you’re not yet satisfied with your nature exploration, you can venture into another zone for more discoveries.

korea safari

The European Adventure

Upon my arrival, I found myself pondering why this zone was named after a continent.

However, it became clear to me later that the name was chosen due to the presence of European architectural styles.

This part of the park boasted a spacious garden adorned with exquisite flowers and even had a charming train ride.

Although the ride was brief, it had a distinct feel to it. You’ll also come across numerous games and arcades scattered around this area.

One of the standout attractions here was the Mystery Mansion. This adventure involved entering the mansion and taking on the challenge of shooting ghosts that unexpectedly appear.

mystery home

The experience was absolutely terrifying for me. I was filled with fear and hesitated to enter. The guard tried to reassure me that it wouldn’t be too dreadful, but I soon regretted believing him. Fear is a powerful emotion, and I couldn’t have anticipated just how terrifying the objects inside would be until I stepped in.

For those who revel in horror and eagerly await Halloween, this might be an exciting venture.

The place is designed with an eerie atmosphere, resembling a haunted house, and there were staff members present to assist people like me who became incredibly frightened and anxious. As I left, a sense of relief washed over me because I couldn’t help but scream whenever a ghost appeared.

My memories of this place are hazy, as my heart rate skyrocketed and I even fainted. It took me a few minutes to regain my composure once I was outside.

My opinion about the roller coaster ride

As if the day hadn’t already been filled with enough fear, I decided to join the lengthy line for Korea’s wooden roller-coaster, T-express. The name alone should have given me a hint that this would be a high-speed and intense ride, and perhaps I should have reconsidered.

However, I was curious about the fun I might miss out on if I didn’t give it a try. Despite waiting for over 30 minutes, I found myself unwilling to abandon the line. Eventually, my turn came, and to my surprise, I ended up in the first row.

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I got on board, hoping to have an enjoyable experience, although I had no idea what was in store for me.

t-express roller coaster

T-express roller coaster is the tall black object at the edge of the picture

My recollection of this place is blurry because my heart rate had soared to an alarming level, and I almost fainted. It took me a few minutes to regain my composure outside.

As if that wasn’t enough heart-pounding excitement for the day, I decided to join the lengthy queue for a ride on Korea’s wooden roller-coaster, T-express. The name should have been a giveaway that it was a high-speed experience, and I probably shouldn’t have taken the ride.

However, I was curious about the fun I might miss if I didn’t give it a try.

Despite waiting for more than 20 minutes, I found myself unwilling to abandon the line. Finally, my turn came, and to my surprise, I ended up in the first row.

My experience

As the ride began, it started off slowly, as expected, and then the speed gradually increased.

Once again, I found myself screaming at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking from the intensity. While I was struggling to keep my wits about me, my neighbor was happily smiling, laughing, and even taking pictures to capture the exhilarating experience.

My mind was in turmoil, and fear was taking over. Suddenly, I made a decision to shut my eyes tightly and grip my seat with all my might.

This way, I wouldn’t see the dizzying heights and spins. In that moment, I told myself not to succumb to the stress, and that’s how I managed to make it through the ride.

I promised myself right then and there that I would never subject myself to such a high-speed roller-coaster again. The area had plenty of restaurants around, providing a place to rest and recover from the adrenaline rush.

The American Adventure

Once more, I was taken by surprise to find this theme in Korea.

This particular section was dedicated to American history themes. One of the attractions was the Rodeo, an exhibition where cowboys showcase their skills in riding broncos, roping calves, and wrestling steers.

Another theme was from the 1950s, represented by Rock Ville and its music scene. Close to the smaller X-Train roller coaster, live bands performed, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

On this occasion, I decided to skip the ride and instead immerse myself in the music. Some of the performers sang a mix of both Korean and American songs.

everland ride

Everland magic Land zone

As anticipated in a sprawling amusement park like this, this section was also brimming with numerous rides. One highlight was a spacious area where characters from Aesop’s fables were brought to life through various themes. Adjacent to the array of rides, a selection of restaurants provided convenient dining options.

By the time I left, I had lost track of the number of rides I had experienced. While I didn’t manage to explore every ride in every corner, I was content with the memorable adventure. It had been a day filled with excitement and a range of emotions.

The sheer size of the park and the evident technological efforts put into maintaining the multitude of rides left me impressed. It felt like the machines were in perpetual motion throughout the day. While I don’t recall the exact entrance fee, I do remember feeling that it was money well spent.

The level of satisfaction was exceptionally high, which is why I wholeheartedly recommend this place. Comprehensive information can be found on their website, including details about their frequent events.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stay overnight in Yongin, and I’m uncertain if the Everland resort offers accommodations.

If you’re considering a visit, it’s advisable to call ahead and inquire about lodging options before making any travel arrangements.


One reviewer wrote, “The closest thing you’ll get to the Disneyland experience in Korea. Go early. Download the app and register your ticket. Use the smart queue to get on the rides quick. Have fun” l agree.

At Everland, the lines can be very long, especially during the weekend. Many people like to come to enjoy and relax here after stressful weekdays. 

Please let me know what your experience was if you have been here. 

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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