woman giving her opinion

10 Key Phrases for Sharing Your Opinion in Business

In the realm of business, it’s crucial to understand your position. This involves being attuned to the expectations of your clients or partners. Almost every negotiation or business transaction demands that you articulate your opinion clearly. Hence, mastering the appropriate language for such scenarios is of utmost importance. This article will provide you with essential keywords to effectively communicate your thoughts.

The term “opinion” holds two distinct meanings. Firstly, it signifies an expert’s advisory statement concerning a professional matter.

Secondly, it represents a perspective or judgment, not necessarily grounded in fact or knowledge. Put differently, your belief, conceptualization, and viewpoint regarding your business serve as major selling points.

On a daily basis, everyone offers their opinions on various matters. Interacting with people, be it at home or during business meetings, essentially involves negotiation. While we might not consciously recognize this in casual interactions, understanding the optimal words to convey your stance is highly relevant.

Establishing clarity in communication remains a cornerstone for nurturing healthy relationships in all aspects of life. Within this article, you’ll encounter a diverse selection of phrases and learn how to effectively employ them.

1. I think

Generally, ‘I think’ is probably one of the most used words regarding opinion sharing. It means to have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something. Thinking implies how we train our minds to process information and make up concepts. Everyone’s mind has thoughts. Since we cannot read each other’s minds, it’s pertinent to let others know your thoughts by starting with this.  

2. I feel

The phrase might not be regular in business, but it is acceptable. Typically, the definition of feeling like an experience (an emotion or sensation) is common to recounting emotional issues. However, to feel also implies being aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched.

The touch here doesn’t solely refer to physically touching a person; it connects to observing, perceiving, and noticing something. Since every business owner knows their business and its goal, they can use this phrase to express their thoughts. 

3. I believe

Many people have associated this phrase with religious faiths alone. Acceptable, that’s true.

On the other hand, it also means to hold (something) as an opinion; think. Using it shows you have a high degree of conviction and certainty about your business. 

4. I reckon

This advanced word is a good fit for your next business meeting. It means to consider or regard something in a specified way. As mentioned earlier, we all have different perspectives and perceptions about everything because of our separate minds.

That’s why, until we clearly explain our thoughts, no one will understand what we mean. This phrase is perfect when sharing your whole ideas. 

5. If you ask me

The conditional ‘if’ has various meanings. It typically refers to the condition or supposition that something might happen.

Also, it means that something else is essential despite the possibility of something. Exceptionally, when joined in this phrase, it refers to giving a solid point of view. Though it seems like the other person is asking a question, it is used to emphasize that a statement is one’s personal opinion. Sometimes some people use it even if they are not responding to a question. 

6. As far as I am concerned

This phrase clearly states the person’s stance and reflects the extent of their involvement. It indicates that you are giving your own opinion and not somebody’s.

Not only does it make people know you are talking about your unique position, but it makes your client know you are confident in yourself. They can easily distinguish your thoughts and other people’s opinions. 


7. My thoughts on the matter are

In addition, this efficient advanced phrase makes people immediately understand your viewpoint. It is used after a question and an introductory phrase to communicate your thoughts. Some people use it when sharing many views, thus the word ‘thoughts.’

Equally, it makes the hearer know instantly that you have more than one opinion. How efficient!

8. My personal opinion is

This one almost seems like a repetition. So far, you know opinion is subjective. Then why should I say ‘personal opinion’? That’s probably the question you asked as you read the title. Hard question to answer.

The honest answer is to consider this an exception to the tautology rule. It’s acceptable to use it to give your opinion about something. It relates to what you think or believe about it.

9. I am of the opinion that

Last but not least, this phrase has a context. People mostly use it if someone thinks something is the case they disagree with. It doesn’t necessarily mean to use in an argument, but it can be used in a debate or business meeting. 

10. It is my view that

Finally, you can use this to indicate that you are stating a personal opinion. This is mainly in a situation that other people might disagree with. For example, in my view, the price won’t change until next year. You are giving your perspective though it is contrary to what your business partners are saying.

In conclusion, in a world full of opinions and ideas, it is relevant to make people upfront your thoughts at the beginning of the discussion. This will help you not to beat around the bush or waste time. Knowing all of them is a spice for straightforward business communication.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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