A lady studying a book

Mastering Three Degrees: An Exploration of My Academic Success

Embarking on the journey of studying anything, be it at home or in a classroom, comes with its challenges. Academic success is measurable and predictable based on what we do.

For me, opting to study law as well as learn French and Korean languages were significant choices. Interestingly, growing up with the English language was effortless, as I heard it spoken by my parents and friends regularly.

Irrespective of the subject, there are key steps to bear in mind before diving into your study path.

In spite of my unwavering dedication and continual striving for personal growth, I attribute my academic achievements to the grace of God. I firmly believe that without His guidance and divine provision, I would not have attained the level of success I have.

While I don’t view myself as exceptionally intelligent, I acknowledge that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit, much like any other believer in Christ.

These approaches have guided me throughout my pursuit of Bachelor’s and three Master’s degrees both in Cameroon and abroad.

Method 1: Consistency and repetition.

I’ve noticed that comprehending content becomes easier for me when I read it more than once. Do you find the same to be true for you?

Because of this, I dedicate significant time to revisiting my notes after each lesson. During classes, I focus on writing down as much as I can.

When I get back home, I engage in studying my notes in conjunction with the textbook or materials provided by the teacher.

I frequently create additional summaries on a separate sheet of paper. This approach helps me break down each section into its simplest form, enhancing my understanding.

An end of year certificate to confirm academic success
My end of year certificate to confirm academic success

Method 2: Engage in academic success discussions.

Maintaining an open mind and fostering communication with others is my approach.

I believe that those willing to participate in discussions tend to grasp concepts more swiftly. This academic success technique involves conversing with my peers about our studies, which significantly accelerates my understanding.

Whenever possible, I seize the opportunity to interact with friends or engage in one-on-one sessions.

During these times, I make a point to pose inquiries and articulate my own interpretations. Expressing my viewpoints and seeking clarification without hesitation is my practice.

I’ve noticed that repetition aids memory retention. I often find that speaking about a topic more than once helps me remember it better.

A playful memory technique my friends and I employed during law school involved weaving case names into casual conversations.

Connecting these cases to real-life scenarios that paralleled or resembled them made recall easier. Sometimes, these lighthearted comments proved quite handy when answering exam questions.

Method 3: Watching videos or listening to audios.

I hold a firm belief in the power of audio-visual learning. Personally, I find it exceptionally effective to grasp concepts when I watch videos.

While I occasionally listen to audio files, I’m inclined to think that they notably enhance language studies. These tools can greatly contribute to success if you can maintain your focus.

You might call me old-fashioned, and I’d embrace that title: I tend to take notes while watching videos.

This practice allows me to better connect with the speaker and the content. It might sound like multitasking, but for me, this method significantly enhances my understanding.

In wrapping up, whether it involves frequent reading, revisiting discussions with teachers and friends, or engaging with video and audio resources, I believe that each individual possesses a unique learning capacity that can guarantee their academic success.

Among my friends, some could listen just once and remember what the teacher said.

This experience has led me to recommend discovering the approach that resonates most with you and consistently employing it.

For those whose study methods align with mine, you’re well aware of the dedication and hard work it entails.

Happy Studies 

Please let me know how you study in the comment section.

There is no limit to what and when to study. I was surprised to read an article about an alumnus with three Masters Degrees and a Ph.D. still studying. There is no end to education. Age is not a limitation.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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