Sarah eating at Rwanda restaurants

7 Best Rwanda Restaurants

Embark on a culinary journey in Kigali and Nyanza cities, where vibrant Rwanda restaurants patios adorned with African fabrics and unique decor invite you to dine in style. While I don’t consider myself a food enthusiast, I found myself noticing and savoring the flavors of various meals during my dining experiences in Rwanda. The city boasts an abundance of dining establishments, catering to a diverse range of preferences. In this post, I share my personal restaurant reviews and recommendations, understanding that taste is subjective and what might not appeal to me could be a delightful treat for others.

Although I typically enjoy cooking at home, I embraced the opportunity to explore new flavors and indulge in occasional bites while venturing out. Nourishing my appetite with familiar dishes like plantain, red beans, chicken sauce, and an array of vegetables provided a sense of comfort and connection to my roots. Interestingly, many of the food items mirrored those from my home country, Cameroon, bridging the gap between cultures.

While I anticipated savoring every bite, there were instances where my preferences didn’t align with the flavors presented. Could this be the norm for a discerning eater like me? Regardless, I’m eager to share a list of the ‘Rwanda restaurants I visited, fully aware that your experience might differ. Our taste preferences are uniquely our own, rendering my perspective highly subjective. I’m excited to read your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, as we celebrate the diversity of culinary experiences.

List of Rwanda restaurants

Tea House Resto Hotel

On my final evening in Kigali, my friends introduced me to a charming oasis that left a lasting impression. Perched on a hilltop, the panoramic view was a breath of fresh air, prompting me to capture every unique detail through my lens. The ambiance exuded a blend of simplicity and culture, with quaint touches like the vintage ‘chain chair’ and intricately crafted wooden signs. I couldn’t contain my amusement at the whimsical wooden crafts adorning the bathroom door, while the elegant Bambu flower vases caught my eye.

Common meals at Rwanda restaurants

While the wait for our meal seemed interminable, the anticipation was well worth it. Savoring their delectable fish brochettes and crispy plantain fries brought undeniable delight. In an attempt to immerse myself in the local flavors, I ordered Isombe (cassava leaves with peanut) and kawunga (corn fufu). However, my picky palate faced a challenge in fully embracing these traditional Rwandese dishes, leaving me with a memorable experience of trying something new. Despite the culinary adventure not aligning perfectly with my taste preferences, I embraced the opportunity with an open heart.

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)

Despite my aversion to fast food, I found myself pleasantly surprised by my experience at KFC Kigali, which I even dared to visit twice. The flavors infused into the chicken were a testament to their attention to seasoning, and with each bite, the tantalizing blend of spices permeated the tender meat. The crowning glory, however, was undoubtedly the crispy chicken skin, which provided a satisfying crescendo to the feast.

sarah eating fried potatoes and chicken at KFC kigali

Adding to the delightful ensemble were the crunchy fries, their harmony with ketchup creating a symphony of flavors that perfectly complemented some of my evening repasts. What struck me the most was how this particular KFC outlet in Kigali exceeded my expectations, standing out as the most delectable rendition I’ve encountered across various countries.

Keisen hotel-restaurant

Nestled atop one of Kigali’s lush hills in Nyamugogo, this hotel greeted me with a tempting booklet of culinary offerings. The array of choices presented a delightful challenge in decision-making, prompting me to seek assistance from the kind Manager. He graciously took the time to elucidate each unfamiliar dish, aiding my selection process.

As my stomach rumbled with hunger, I opted for the goat meat stew paired with boiled green banana. The anticipation during the wait was palpable, and after a relatively brief span of one and a half minutes, my meal arrived. To my surprise, the bowl of goat stew exceeded my expectations in size. However, my taste buds were met with an unexpected obstacle: an excessive saltiness that left my tongue somewhat disheartened.

Banana and sauce at Keisen hotel-restaurant

Notably, the Rwandan preparation of green banana involves boiling it to a tender consistency. While this is a local preference, I personally didn’t quite resonate with the resultant softness of the banana.

Highland hotel-restaurant

Perched upon yet another of Kigali’s undulating hills, this establishment seemingly drew its moniker from its elevated location. Despite the apparent upscale aura, the premises provided a tranquil ambiance, particularly conducive for my work undertaken within the restaurant’s confines.

While diligently attending to my tasks, I found my gaze irresistibly drawn to the menu, where the enticing depiction of meatballs exerted a magnetic allure. Succumbing to the allure of temptation, I yielded to the impulse and indulged in the irresistible desire for those delectable meatballs. Opting for a triumvirate of meatballs, my anticipation was met with the arrival of my order.

a plate of meatballs and a slice of lemon

While the delightful taste of the meatballs brought satisfaction, it’s worth noting that a discernible trace of saltiness lingered on the palate. Despite this, I relished the experience of savoring those flavorful and savory meatballs during my leisurely lunch.

Rwanda Restaurants beside the Cinema

Situated in close proximity to the expansive Canal Olympia Cinema, a cluster of dining Rwanda restaurants beckons to passersby. On a particular Saturday evening, my eagerness to partake in the grandeur of a movie on a larger canvas than my computer screen led me to the threshold of the first among them. With a wide array of culinary offerings laid out before me, I made my selection: beef soup.

To my astonishment, upon its arrival, the dish before me revealed a harmonious medley of flavors and ingredients all coexisting within the same bowl. A tapestry of flavors intertwined as banana, potatoes, a few morsels of succulent meat, and carrot amalgamated in delightful unity. While the elaborate presentation didn’t meet my initial expectation, the bold choice to embark on this culinary journey was worthy. The audacious endeavor to sample a Rwandese soup proved to be a venture worth embracing.

Madras hotel-restaurant

Situated much like the other dining Rwandan restaurants I had encountered on my culinary journey, Madras restaurant held its own charm, residing in a separate enclave overlooking a tranquil terrace. Upon my arrival, I got a comprehensive booklet that encompassed both delectable meals and refreshing drinks. As was my custom, I embarked on the ritual of contemplation, seeking the perfect choice that would tantalize my taste buds.

After a thoughtful deliberation, aided by the patient explanations of the attentive waiter, I made my decision: I would indulge in East Africa’s beloved delicacy, the chapati. The menu tantalizingly promised a savory symphony of flavors, with meat expertly nestled within the folds of the chapati. Eagerly, I anticipated each mouthful to be a harmonious duet of the tender beef and the soft chapati.

Chapati and fries on a plate, a typical meal at Rwanda restaurants

In a swift flourish, my eagerly awaited meal appeared before me. To my surprise, the presentation before me showcased dried beef artfully draped upon a substantial chapati. While the beef slices might have been more modest in number than anticipated, they exuded a rich depth of flavor that compensated for their scarcity. To complement the hearty duo, a vibrant medley of salad adorned the plate, boasting the crisp crunch of cucumber, tomatoes, onions, and the luscious creaminess of avocado.

While my initial expectations wasn’t met, the harmonious interplay of flavors and textures ultimately created a satisfying and memorable culinary experience at Madras restaurant.

Umut café and restaurant

During one of my downtown escapades, a sense of culinary curiosity led me to beckon a bike driver and request to be taken to the nearest café. Guided by the hum of the city’s heartbeat, we arrived at the doorstep of a café nestled in the heart of the urban bustle. Eager to appease the rumbling chorus of hunger within me, I embarked on my culinary journey by perusing the menu’s pages, a ritual I always followed with diligence.

With a sense of anticipation, I ordered the Turkish pizza, meticulously scanning through the description to grasp the medley of ingredients that would soon grace my palate. Presented before me was a light, baked dough adorned with scattered lamb, harmoniously interwoven with the vibrant hues of tomatoes. An ensemble of vegetables, including parsley, tomatoes, and a tapestry of green herbs, was delicately arranged alongside the creation. While the amalgamation of flavors intrigued me, I decided to forgo the accompanying salad, as it didn’t resonate with my personal preferences.

Savoring the unconventional “pizza” experience, I found that it defied the expectations typically associated with this dish. Despite its departure from my usual pizza encounters, I found myself craving another dish to quell my appetite. Reflecting upon the menu, I summoned another waiter and placed an order for fried chips and samosa. In my imagination, I envisioned a plate that would showcase a distinct separation between the crispy potato chips and the savory samosa.

Common meals at Rwanda restaurants

What was strange about this place compared to other Rwanda restaurants

Regrettably, the presentation before me deviated from my preconceived notions. The waiter placed a plate of fries, enrobed in a delicate tomato sauce with a hint of saltiness, on the table. To my surprise, there was no sign of the expected beef or fish accompaniment.

The potato chips themselves exhibited an unexpected tenderness that failed to captivate my palate. Puzzled and disappointed, I sought clarification from another waiter, wondering if my order had been misinterpreted.

Undeterred by the earlier culinary misadventure, I made the decision to embark on yet another gastronomic endeavor the following morning. A sense of curiosity prompted me to order chapati and eggs as a takeaway for my breakfast. However, when I unveiled the offering, my expectations were met with surprise. Encased within the folds of a thick chapati dough were two eggs, seemingly embraced in an unconventional culinary embrace.

My experience at this café wasn’t good, I am mindful of the subjectivity of taste preferences. While I may not endorse this establishment based on my personal experiences, I acknowledge that culinary adventures are often a matter of individual taste, and perhaps someone else may discover enjoyment in their offerings.

Quiet Heaven Nyanza Hotel and Restaurant

After a lengthy three-hour journey from Kigali to Nyanza city, hunger greeted me on that Sunday night. Despite my empty stomach’s protests, I opted for sleep, assured that a hearty breakfast awaited in the morning. However, my anticipation turned to a slight frown when I was presented with burnt fried eggs and two slices of bread, leaving my face slightly disheartened. Although I had indulged in various fruits while waiting, I couldn’t deny the pleasant taste of the African tea.

The hotel, conveniently located just 15 minutes from the bus stop, was easily accessible by bike or car. The spacious restaurant, boasting a breezy ambiance, beckoned me with the promise of delightful meals. The substantial rooms, adorned with comfortable beds, caught my attention. I was pleasantly surprised by the ingenious addition of a roomy closet attached to the open bathroom and toilet wall. And the highlight? The balcony, adorned with inviting seats, provided a refreshing spot to bask in the morning sun.

Take a food journey and let me know your opinion. My list is concise because I rarely visit restaurants. This is typical of someone who cooks almost daily. However, if you are in Kigali or Nyanza, there will be something delicious at many pricy Rwanda restaurants. Good appetite in advance.

For more travel tips on where to eat in other countries similar to Rwanda restaurants, click this link.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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