Sarah infront of the Synagogue Church of all Nations

Synagogue Church of all Nations: Nigeria church review

Having encountered diligent Nigerians in Cameroon and shared the classroom with them, I was prepared for the warmth of their jovial nature. As someone who unapollegetically holds Christian beliefs close, my narrative delves into my enriching exploration of my spiritually invigorating church retreat at the Synagogue Church of all Nations.

The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN) is a prominent Christian megachurch founded in Lagos, Nigeria, by Prophet T.B. Joshua in 1987. Known for its vibrant worship services and significant influence across the globe, SCOAN has become a spiritual destination for millions of believers seeking healing, deliverance, and prophetic guidance.

The church’s activities, particularly its live broadcasts and widely circulated videos of miracles and testimonies, have garnered a substantial following worldwide. SCOAN’s humanitarian efforts, community outreach programs, and international branches further underscore its commitment to addressing both spiritual and practical needs, reinforcing its reputation as a beacon of faith and compassion in contemporary Christianity.

I don’t remember exactly how I first heard about Prophet T.B. Joshua, but I know it was through a negative remark. However, I chose to keep an open heart and refused to judge him based on others’ opinions. In 2009, I met some friends who watched his live programs every Sunday and on most days through Emmanuel TV. Out of curiosity, I began watching too, and it quickly became my favorite channel. Through these broadcasts, I experienced a profound sense of spiritual growth and inspiration that reshaped my perception of Prophet T.B. Joshua and his ministry.

How many times did I go to the Synagogue Church of all Nations?

I have visited the SCOAN four times—in 2011, 2013, 2017, and 2019. Each trip was carefully planned and immensely rewarding, marking significant highlights in my Christian journey since I became born again in 2002.These visits weren’t solely driven by wanderlust; rather, they were motivated by a yearning for spiritual growth.

Participating in a church retreat during these visits added a deeper layer to my experience. Engaging in worship, reflection, and fellowship in the heart of Lagos enriched my faith journey in ways I hadn’t anticipated. The unity and shared devotion of the congregation fostered a sense of belonging that transcended geographical boundaries.

Sarah at the Synagogue Church of all nations in 2017
Sarah at the Synagogue Church of all nations in 2017

Spiritual Visit

Commencing my journey, the focal point that has consistently drawn me is the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), an architectural marvel nestled in Ikotu Egbe.

Founded by the Late Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua , this colossal edifice stands as a testament to his unwavering devotion. Guided by the Holy Spirit, his life epitomized obedience to God’s will.

Sundays at this monumental sanctuary are a celebration of worship. The vast expanse of the several-thousand-seat church becomes alive with a congregation that can reach up to an astounding 50,000 individuals or more.

As I stood among the throngs, I felt the collective devotion and energy that filled the air. An awe and joyful atmosphere which could only be from God.

A remarkable aspect of SCOAN’s impact is its global reach. Through the medium of Emmanuel TV, the Sunday services are broadcasted live, transcending geographical boundaries. Millions across the world tune in, united in their pursuit of spiritual nourishment.

The worship sessions themselves are a sight to behold. The lively, joy-infused praise sessions, lasting for an hour or more sometimes, are a dynamic blend of music and spirituality. The atmosphere is charged with a palpable sense of happiness and connection to the God.

Even as someone who tends to be reserved, I found it nearly impossible to resist the urge to join in the jubilant dance.

As I reflect on my experiences within the grandeur of SCOAN, I’m reminded of the global unity and spiritual resonance that this place embodies. The legacy of Prophet T.B. Joshua lives on through the devotion of those who gather here and those who are touched by his teachings across the world.

How do services look like?

Furthermore, my journey at SCOAN provided a profound boost to my faith as I witnessed a myriad of testimonies that defied explanation. These accounts breathed life into the words of the Bible, transforming them from mere ink on pages to tangible experiences.

The connection between the countless miracles chronicled in the gospels and the Acts of the Apostles and my own reality became strikingly apparent. Witnessing numerous deliverances and experiencing my own spiritual transformation left me with an unshakable conviction in the living presence of God.

Sarah inside the SCOAN in 2019
Sarah inside the SCOAN in 2019

What was my 2019 Synagogue Church of all Nations experience?

Adding to the wonder of my 2019 visit was the rare opportunity to visit the prayer mountain. Nestled in a serene garden-like space suspended over a tranquil artificial lake and enveloped by trees, this oasis was a haven for focused prayer. A mere 20-minute retreat from the bustling city, this place offered the calm and solitude needed for deep connection with the Divine.

The Prayer Mountain houses the first old hut where Prophet T.B. Joshua used to pray many years before the ministry became global. He still visits there regularly, but often stays out of sight of guests to ensure they remain focused on God rather than being distracted by his presence.

With the gentle breeze from the lake and the soothing shade of the trees, I found myself immersed in a state of deep concentration. Every second spent on my knees, communing with God, was a treasured moment of connection and reflection.

After one of the services, Prophet T.B. Joshua instructed the evangelists to announce that all partners should stay for a short meeting. At that time, I had been a financial partner for several years, despite being based in Korea. Along with hundreds of people from various countries, I obeyed the instruction and was glad I did. We were informed that Prophet Joshua had authorized us to visit the Prayer Mountain the next morning, a Monday.

How was my prayer mountain experience?

We gathered at the church with special tickets and were ushered onto SCOAN buses at no cost. From 11 AM until 5 PM, we were provided with snacks and water and encouraged to pray. The hours passed quickly because the environment was anointed with the presence of the Holy Spirit. That April in 2019 was a challenging time in my career, as I needed to decide on my next steps after graduation.

At the end of the prayer session, the same buses transported us back to the church premises for free. We also received encouragement items, including Prophet Joshua’s books, a SCOAN tote bag, CDs, morning water, and a faith bracelet, all free of charge. I was immensely grateful for the opportunity to visit Nigeria. I returned to Cameroon with a clearer vision for my life and a greater sense of peace.

What was the impact of the Synagogue Church of all Nations to Nigeria?

In cherished memory, Prophet TB Joshua stands as one of Nigeria’s eminent spiritual icons. His ministry left an indelible mark on the nation’s landscape, significantly impacting the tourism industry as countless individuals from around the world flocked to Nigeria seeking his prayers and healing.

In 2014, the Nigerian Immigration Service indicated that six out of every ten foreign travelers coming into Nigeria are bound for SCOAN. He was a man who feared God and lived by the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Words fall short in capturing the multitude of blessings I received from God through Prophet TB Joshua’s ministry. The growth of my spirituality far surpassed any material partnership, and I’m profoundly thankful for the opportunity to be a conduit for sharing God’s blessings. The undeniable truth remains that the hand of God worked mightily through him, as evidenced by countless miracles and lives transformed across the globe.

New Telegraph described SCOAN as “Nigeria’s biggest tourist attraction,”. Similarly, Ojewusi Sola said it is “the most visited destination by religious tourists in West Africa.”

What was the overall impact of visiting the SCOAN?

The pinnacle of my SCOAN experience was the personal encounters I had with the Prophet himself. His warm smile and unwavering encouragement to deepen my prayer life left an indelible mark. These moments were not only faith-affirming but also a reminder of the power of personal guidance and mentorship in one’s spiritual journey.

As I reflect on my experiences at SCOAN and the prayer mountain, I am reminded of the transformative power of faith. The solace of nature, and the guidance of a spiritual mentor. These encounters not only enriched my journey but also deepened my understanding of the divine presence. That permeates every aspect of life.

My personal journey has been remarkably enriched by the anointing and grace that radiated from Prophet Joshua. While his physical presence may have transitioned, his teachings, sermons, and prayers continue to reverberate through online platforms like YouTube. My notes from his sermons serve as a living testament to the impact he had on my life.

In essence, the trajectory of spiritual growth for Christians is an ongoing process of daily reliance on Christ. Although uncertainties surround the prospect of revisiting SCOAN, I am deeply grateful for the divine orchestration that allowed me to meet Prophet TB Joshua during his lifetime. I choose to embrace the unwavering truths of the gospel that he passionately preached. Above all, I am inspired to embody his humanitarian legacy. This is by extending support to those in need on a global scale.

In reminiscing on the profound influence of Late Prophet TB Joshua, I’m reminded that our paths intersect for a reason. It has left an indelible mark that continues to shape my spiritual journey and commitment to making a positive impact in the world. I still watch his sermons on YouTube sometinmes.

My recommendation about visiting the church

Since the death of Prophet T.B. Joshua in 2021, I have stopped fellowshipping with the SCOAN because I don’t feel a peaceful heart agreement with what his widow, Evelyn Joshua, is doing. I cannot boast about or encourage anyone to visit the SCOAN now, but I suggest everyone use discernment.

Mama Evelyn Joshua could have been called to continue from where her husband left off, but until the last service, I never saw Prophet Joshua indicating such during any service. Instead, he was often shown praying for his disciples—the five prophets/ prophetesses: Racine, Chris, Angela, Yinka, and Anna.

Instead, he often laid hands on his disciples publicly, which I understood as a transfer of anointing. It was clear he knew his time was limited, but he chose not to inform the world. On numerous occasions, he sent his disciples to preach and pray for the congregants. For example, he even assigned them to minister at a crusade in London in his absence. These actions, among many others, indicated that he believed God would use these individuals after his departure.

The current situation of the church

In 2022, Mama Evelyn declared herself the new head of the Synagogue Church of all Nations, resulting in a separation. The prophets and prophetesses left amicably and have since been thriving in their ministries worldwide. Except for Prophetess Angela, each of them has established their own ministries. God has been using them mightily in different ways. These have been through preaching the gospel and demonstrating power and miracles, much like Prophet T.B. Joshua did.

I follow all four who are active online but have chosen to particularly stick with Prophet Racine. I had a dream before Prophet Joshua’s death where Racine preached the word to me in detail. Over the last two years, I have been blessed by following his ministry. I watch his podcasts regularly, and following his Bible reading plan. I suggest you follow one or all of these ministers on social media. Below are links to their various blogs.

Prophet Racine- The University of God

Prophet Chris- God’s heart

Prophetess Yinka: God’s Own Grace Mission

Prophetess Anna; essenceofworship

Check my posts to find out about church reviews in other countries.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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