A child about to cry, representing migrant children

Migrant children in Yuma Detention Center

Migrant Children constitute the largest migrant population. The United States of America maintains the largest undocumented immigration detention infrastructure in the world. There were an estimated 363 or more detention sites in operation from 2007-2009. . For political reasons, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has not openly publicized up-to-date figures of the exact numbers at detention centers. Importantly, The Guardian reports an estimate of 1500 children were detained in December 2018.  

Sadly running away from a conflict-torn country is an option. The question is how are these migrant children coping? “As devastating as fleeing from a conflict-torn country can be for these migrant children, it is even more traumatizing to be detained without access to basic sanitary provisions and eatable food and water”, Human Rights Watch remarked.

What does the law say about migrant children?

According to U.S. law, migrant children cannot be detained for more than 72 hours . On the contrary, most Border Patrol Officers have held children for several days under deplorable living conditions. There is little or no space in the rooms due to overcrowding.

Jacob Soboroff and Julia Ainsley of MSNBC unfolded a report on the inhumane treatment of migrant children at the Yuma, Arizona detention center.

The Trump administration’s nonchalance to address this age-old complaint. It is a common problem in several detention centers around the U.S. Why is this prevalent?.

Reports from migrant children at detention centers

In this paragraph, we will see comments based on information from government case managers. Some children had the following remarks to make. Firstly, when a 16-year-old Guatemalan boy and his cellmates complained about the food and chlorine-filled water provided to them, the Border agents retaliated. They took away their sleeping mats forcing them to sleep on concrete floors. They served dinner after 9 p.m so some children always sleep hungry.

Secondly, this unfair treatment has transformed into sexual assault. A sad 15-year-old Honduras girl recounted how a patrol officer allegedly “embarrassed” her in public.

Thirdly, A 17-year-old Honduran boy reported his verbal abuse experience. He added how the officers will scold them using insulting Spanish words like “puto”.

Moreso, some children emphasized they were denied their right to make phone calls. They slept on concrete floors with Mylar blankets. Worst of all, they couldn’t have a shower. All the children mentioned poor sleeping conditions. Some of the complaints were: no blankets, pillows, mattresses, or space to sleep.

Some critics blame the parents of the children but others have joined voices with Arizona’s Senators. Kyrsten Sinema and Martha McSally said, there must be an investigation of these reports. They insist on sanctions for these officers’ Azcentral reports.

What is the reaction of the Arizona government?

Graciously, the Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services, Ken Cuccinelli promises to carry out investigations. He said he will be sanction those agents. On the contrary, people still question why the administration is not instituting a sustainable solution? These complaints have continued from hundreds of migrant children, The Washington Post added.

Executive Director of Migrant Center for Human Rights, Sara Ramey responded. Speaking to the Globe Post, she said “children and adults have the right to be treated humanely and, during the time that the government is depriving them of their liberty, the government is responsible for providing appropriate care.” She added,” donations should not be necessary but it would be good if people were allowed to make gifts.”

Representatives Andy Biggs and Debbie Lesko, two of Arizona’s Republicans had strong reactions. They described beleaguered Border Patrol agents trying to manage a massive influx of migrants with no extra resources.


The Trump administration has to enact policies that permit philanthropists to donate. People who want to donate basic supplies for migrants at detention centers should be free. In conclusion, they must end cruel immigration policies. Stop separating families, and utilize alternatives to detention that will remove children from these harmful facilities.

To read more migrant stories around the world, click here.

The Organisation for World Peace published the original article on July 19, 2019.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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