a flower in the socks demonstrating the present simple

Present Simple Tense

Definition: The present simple tense is used to describe things that happen regularly and factual things.

Regular activities: I eat breakfast at 8 am every morning.

Facts: I am a woman.

How to make a statement in the present simple tense

How to make a negative sentence

We use do/ does to make negative sentences.


1. I don’t know him.
2. We don’t remember this name.
3. She doesn’t like eating peas.
4. Peter doesn’t want new pairs of jeans.

Exception: there is no ‘s’ added to the verb when we use the third person pronouns(he/she/ it).


Correct form: Peter doesn’t want to sleep.

Wrong form: Peter doesn’t wants to sleep.

present simple tense formula
Present simple tense formula

When can we use the present simple tense?

1. We use the present simple tense to say how regularly we do things.

 This could be weekly, daily, monthly, daily, yearly, bi-weekly, quarterly, bi-monthly, annually, etc. 


1. My son gets up at 6 am every morning.

2. Tita’s uncle doesn’t drink coffee daily.

3. How often do you have French classes?

4. My neighbor usually travels to Spain five times a quarterly.

2. We use the present simple to describe general facts.

In addition, it is also used to talk about true things that happen repeatedly. 


1. He usually drives to work every morning.

2. The bank is always open at 9 a.m. every day.

3. Teachers teach students at schools.

4. River Nile is in Egypt.

3. We use this tense to make suggestions, request forgiveness, and express our desires. 


Promise: I promise to come to your wedding. 

Suggest: l suggest we start the meeting at 5 pm instead. 

Apologize: we apologize for making noise in class.

Advise: she advises her children regularly to study hard. 

Agree: my company agrees with your terms. 

Insist: he insists on taking the left route.

Refuse: I refuse to be forced to learn a new course. 

We use the present simple to ask questions by adding do/ does.


1. Do you like eating out on weekends?
2. Does she spell English words at home?
3. Where does he come from?
4. I don’t understand what you said. What do you mean?

Exception: the verb ‘do’ can be used as a separate verb in the same question.


1. What do you do for a living?
2. What does he do as home chores?

Exception: there is no ‘s’ added to the verb when we use the third person pronouns(he/she/ it).


Correct form: Why does he like to cry?

Wrong form: Why does he likes to cry?


Complete the sentences by adding an ‘s’ where necessary.

1. You always ……(smile) when you see cats.
2. The church …..(start) at 9 O’clock on Sundays and Wednesdays.
3. Lack of commitment is the ……(cause) business bankruptcy.
4. Peter and Paul are brothers. They are……(live) together in the same house.
5. The bank normally ….(close) at 5 pm on weekdays.
6. My mother …..(speak) to me on the phone after every 2 days.
7. Lilian’s uncle …..(travel) to the United States four times annually.
8. …….(do) she going to the beach?
9. Why…..(do) you like cooking?
10. We are teachers. We ……(teach) at the Kindergarten of Mina school.
11. …………..(do) you prefer driving or trekking after work?
12. What do you ………(do) now since your graduation?
13………(do) you like doing morning exercises?
14. I know where Polo is from. But l am not sure where Sofia is coming from. ….(do/you) know if she is an Indian?
15. Mangoes (grow)…..only in tropical climates.
16. Vegetarians ….(eat) only vegetables.
17. How long…..(do)it take to complete the program?
18. My mom will be back in town next week. I ……(suggest) you come over then.
19. I…….(promise)to pay your high school fees till graduation.
20. The recently built pool at Digo’s hotel is deep and clean. I …….(recommend)you go.
21. Paul, l…..(apologize) for not Wallington yesterday after work.

Use the following verbs to make sentences in the present simple tense

list of verbs
list of verbs

Go here for more exercises on the present simple tense.

For further studies in other tenses, click here.

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Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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