traveling solo

5 Disadvantages of Traveling Solo as an African woman

Traveling solo as an African woman poses many challenges, as it is for anyone. In my earlier post on the advantages of traveling solo as an African woman, l promised to discuss the disadvantages. Here, l spill out the beans on the other side.

Before we unveil what l think about this topic from my personal experience, l need to remark that, l couldn’t find anything on this topic for African women. It seems every blog l quickly read had the same points, just with different headings. Somehow, l found that repetitive and almost untrue. I am not here to condemn others but to share my views on the real perspective of traveling.

In my opinion, after traveling alone and with a group to several countries, l can say the disadvantages are mostly the same. However, there are slight differences. So l will use this blog to debunk both aspects instead of secluding it only for solo female travelers. This will give a general overview of traveling. 

1. You cannot share the cost of certain activities when traveling solo

The cost of activities during travel can vary, and this applies to both group and solo female travelers. In certain instances, activities may seem expensive for solo travelers when compared to group prices. For example, an amusement park might offer a group rate of $70 but charge $40 for a solo ticket. At first glance, this difference may appear costly.

However, the perception of expenses depends on individual circumstances and financial planning. If you’ve thoroughly researched the activities you wish to partake in and budgeted accordingly before your trip, the cost may not be an issue. Properly estimating your expenses and setting a budget can alleviate concerns about higher individual prices.

Ultimately, financial preparation plays a vital role in managing costs while traveling solo or in a group. By planning ahead and understanding your financial limitations, you can better appreciate and enjoy the experiences without feeling burdened by the expenses.

With prudent financial management, you can make the most of your travel adventures, regardless of whether you’re traveling alone or with a group.

Another reason I used the word “certain” is because there are places or activities without group prices. It is typical but not common. I don’t recall ever seeing a group price to watch a movie at a cinema. Prices here are usually for individuals. Either way, anyone can enjoy any activity, whether alone or with a group.

2. You cannot try different foods when you are traveling solo

You are absolutely correct. The point about trying different meals and experiencing the local cuisine while traveling is not limited to group travelers; it applies equally to solo travelers. In fact, solo travelers may have more flexibility in exploring various dishes since they can choose their dining preferences without the need for group consensus.

By venturing into local eateries, street food stalls, or even buffet restaurants, solo travelers have the freedom to sample multiple dishes from the country they are visiting.

Buffet restaurants, as you mentioned, are an excellent way to taste a wide array of traditional delicacies in one sitting. This allows solo travelers to immerse themselves in the local culinary culture and savor the diverse flavors the country has to offer.

Furthermore, solo travelers often interact more with locals, which can enhance their dining experiences. Conversing with restaurant staff, fellow patrons, or street food vendors may lead to valuable food recommendations or insights into the country’s culinary traditions. This interpersonal aspect of solo travel can add richness to the overall gastronomic adventure.

So, the idea that solo travelers miss out on experiencing different meals or the local cuisine is not accurate. On the contrary, solo travel provides ample opportunities to savor a wide variety of dishes and fully enjoy the culinary delights of the destination. It’s all about embracing the culinary journey with an open mind and a curious palate, regardless of whether you’re traveling alone or in a group.

My experience with food

The only aspect l can remark for this is, in some countries especially in Asia they live in communities. Threfore, they do a lot of things as groups. I remember in South Korea, there were some restaurants you cannot eat alone. The style of the chairs and the quantity of the food served for a high amount cannot be consumed and paid by one person.

Once l entered a restaurant, sat down waiting for the waiter to come with the menu.

When she finally came with her warm, thankful smile, her first question was whether l was alone. I found the question rather weird because l thought anyone should be able to eat alone anywhere. In my mind, l thought maybe she was asking because l was a foreigner. Also, maybe she assumed l was on a short trip.

I smiled back and replied in my broken Korean that l lived in the country. But today, I just wanted to try that famous traditional meal (l don’t remember the name now).

She again shook her head with a broad smile, as Koreans do when you speak their language.

Then, now with more confidence, she repeated her question again in Korean with more detail because she knew l understood. I also replied, l wanted just to see the menu and eat. Finally, after a few seconds, she told me, this restaurant is only for groups. I laughed at my ignorance. She laughed too but told me, why she was asking.

She didn’t want to assume l had friends who were joining me.

Food on a buffet table at a restaurant
The table of meals at a Ghanian buffet restaurant in Accra. I enjoyed going almost 4 rounds as I salvored every bit of some traditional meals.

Why did the waitress ask me that question?

In Korea, it is common for colleagues, families, or friends to reserve or plan to visit a restaurant, but they all arrive at different times.

So she felt maybe l came first and had others who will join me later.  Within a second, she was kind to show me the menu and the price.

It is then that she politely told me not to waste my money on food l will not finish. I could take it as takeaway, l thought, but that amount 50,000 Won almost $45 is good money to last me a week’s meal. I gratefully appreciated her and happily left. 

That situation above was rare. There are countless restaurants scattered around the street where anyone can eat the same meal. In fact, l didn’t know there were group restaurants until that day. ln summary, l am saying you can try anything you want to eat as long as you have the finances and time to do so. Somehow, this is not a disadvantage, as many bloggers claimed.

3. You can’t take good photographs when traveling alone

The assertion that travel is synonymous with solely taking selfies is indeed relative and not entirely accurate.

Numerous bloggers propagate this belief, suggesting that travel experiences solely revolve around capturing selfies.

Contrary to this notion, the reality is that travelers can derive immense enjoyment from their journeys while also capturing as many photographs as they desire.

In fact, selfies offer a unique perspective – the chance to capture oneself in close proximity to the captivating backdrop, an element that can add a touch of humor to the experience.

Reflecting on my years of travel, I’ve accumulated a collection of diverse photographs, including selfies and those capturing various moods.

It’s worth acknowledging that there exists no universal decree mandating personal presence in every travel photograph. Such a notion is nonexistent.

In truth, the compulsion to feature in every image can inadvertently detract from the true essence of the activity.

Striving to maintain an omnipresent presence in photos may inadvertently overshadow the joy inherent in the experience itself.

So, the idea that travel necessitates the constant inclusion of oneself in every picture is unfounded. This perspective does not hold sway.

Rather, it is the spontaneous moments and genuine enjoyment of the journey that truly define the travel experience, whether one chooses to be a part of every frame or not.

How do we solve this problem?

To debunk the prevalent notion, I’ve found that the concern of taking photos while traveling solo as a female isn’t as dire as it’s often portrayed.

Personally, I’ve developed a strategy that effectively addresses this issue. Instead of relying solely on selfies, I frequently approach fellow travelers or individuals in the vicinity for assistance in capturing pictures.

The results have been both satisfactory and delightful, with my smiles perfectly captured.

The key lies in prudent discernment of the environment and targeted interactions.

When part of a guided tour, such as in a park, I initiate light conversations with various participants.

My focus tends to gravitate towards fellow solo female travelers, as I establish a friendly rapport. This groundwork enables me to comfortably approach them and request assistance with photography.

Their readiness to oblige, often accompanied by tips on posing, makes the process enjoyable and rewarding.

Sarah taking pictures of herself

Who to ask for help

Naturally, I avoid soliciting help from married or single men to prevent any misconceptions.

I’ve also encountered situations where strangers, typically male, extend offers to take my photo as an avenue to initiate conversation.

While I’m cautious, I don’t decline such offers. Instead, I retrieve my phone promptly after the snapshot to avoid further engagement, as I opt not to share my contact details.

However, the scenario shifts when navigating busy streets, where soliciting unfamiliar individuals for photography might be risky due to safety concerns.

Vigilance becomes paramount in such instances, as I rely on my instincts to gauge the appropriateness of seeking a free photographer for my shots.

To encapsulate, my collection of travel memories housed in the Google Photos app encompasses a blend of selfies and portraits taken by others.

The takeaway is that the perceived obstacle of capturing images while traveling solo as a female is surmountable through calculated interactions and astute judgment.

4. Getting sick while traveling solo

The concerns of a solo female traveler are indeed valid, particularly when it comes to health issues, especially while lodged in accommodations.

Depending on where one is staying, various challenges can arise if illness strikes. The choice of accommodation, whether a hotel, Airbnb, or apartment, plays a pivotal role in determining the available support.

For those staying in hotels, the daily housekeeping routine offers an avenue to seek assistance in case of illness. During a routine cleaning visit, guests can reach out for help, particularly if they’re unable to move around.

In some cases, particularly in larger hotels, reception services can be contacted. They are often capable of arranging for medical attention, including the provision of a doctor or nurse who can evaluate the guest’s health directly in their room.

This approach provides a relatively straightforward solution to addressing health challenges in hotel settings.

The scenario shifts when considering accommodations such as Airbnb rentals or apartments. In these instances, communication with the host becomes crucial.

Many hosts, not all but a substantial number, are responsive and accommodating. If illness strikes, engaging in communication via the app or the private contacts provided by the host can yield positive outcomes.

Some hosts may even take the initiative to visit their guests at the accommodation to ensure their well-being during their stay.

In essence, the choice of lodging plays a role in determining the avenues available for seeking medical assistance while traveling solo.

Whether through hotel staff, reception services, or host communication, there are means to address health challenges and garner the necessary support to navigate through illness while enjoying one’s journey.

A nurse at the hospital
How to deal with sickness when traveling

How to handle such a situation

During my stay in an Airbnb accommodation in Uganda, I was fortunate to have a host who happened to be my next-door neighbor.

Our proximity allowed for regular interactions, and I found comfort in the fact that I could easily reach out to him through WhatsApp whenever assistance was required. Additionally, the presence of a gateman throughout the day provided an accessible source for answering queries.

While some hosts might have resided at a distance, they often made provisions to have a caretaker on-site, ensuring a sense of security and assistance.

These arrangements ensured that I never felt isolated or alone during my travels.

The willingness of hosts and caretakers to lend a hand with directions, recommendations for local attractions, and even medical assistance provided a reassuring backdrop. The notion that they would be unwilling to extend help if illness struck seemed unfounded. Thus, the sense of community and willingness to offer support effectively addressed health-related concerns.

Moreover, equipped with health insurance and modern conveniences like ride-hailing apps, accessing medical care became hassle-free.

Summoning a taxi through platforms like Uber or similar services facilitated swift transportation to a hospital if needed.

This process mirrored the efficiency one might experience in their home country. Nursing staff were generally amiable and accommodating, more than willing to assist lone travelers who found themselves under the weather.

In summary, my experience illuminated the extent to which thoughtful accommodations, proximity to hosts, and the availability of caretakers contribute to a sense of support and safety for solo travelers.

Couple this with readily accessible transportation options and health insurance, and addressing health concerns becomes a manageable endeavor even when away from home.

5. Safety concerns when traveling solo

This point was consistently featured in every blog I came across, and I can’t deny its significance.

Some bloggers advised women to fabricate having travel companions if questioned.

Personally, I’ve refrained from such falsehoods because I believe that the truth can be easily uncovered, potentially putting me at greater risk due to potential monitoring or stalking. Honesty, in my opinion, tends to evoke sympathy rather than harm.

In my experience, every time I honestly mentioned traveling alone and asked for help, people readily extended assistance.

I’ve never encountered any direct threats or attacks solely because I was a solo African woman.

How to handle security worries

Certainly, I’m meticulous about not venturing out too late at night. I don’t engage in clubbing or extend my outings past 8 pm, particularly in unfamiliar areas where returning to my lodging might pose challenges.

To be candid, my primary concern centers around drivers, be they taxi or motorcycle, who are rumored to exploit passengers by leading them to remote locations, subjecting them to theft or even assault.

To thwart this potential threat, I adopt a proactive approach before even purchasing a flight ticket.

This involves extensive research, delving into vlogs, and scouring countless blogs.

It’s worth noting that every country harbors areas with a reputation for being unruly or hazardous, whether it’s a city or a specific district within one.

Given this reality, being vigilant becomes a paramount principle. My strategy involves leveraging travel apps such as Uber, Bolt, and others, contingent on the specific country. These apps provide a measure of security, knowing that my movements are being tracked.

To further bolster my safety, I input my destination into Google Maps, allowing me to monitor routes and detect any deviations.

There have been instances where I’ve encountered less-than-honest drivers who took unnecessarily lengthy routes to inflate the time and fare. In response, I’ve made it a practice to provide candid customer reviews, highlighting any grievances.

Fortunately, the majority of drivers have upheld their professionalism and integrity.

For added convenience and security, I’ve connected my credit card to these apps, facilitating seamless payments upon booking.

This prudent approach not only streamlines the process but also contributes to an overall safer travel experience.

What is the solution?

In certain countries, I rely on local buses or taxis for transportation, but I take the initiative to discuss the transportation fares with my host before leaving my lodging.

This strategy eliminates the need for bargaining and ensures that I’m well-informed.

Interestingly, in the black African countries I’ve visited, my presence as a foreigner often goes unnoticed. Occasionally, my identity becomes apparent when I mispronounce a destination in the local language, but this hasn’t led to fare discrepancies. The rates remain consistent because I’m knowledgeable about the usual prices.

In situations like these, I engage in light conversation, express appreciation for their country, and even inject some humor by sharing my culture shock experiences.

This approach tends to foster a positive and friendly atmosphere, resulting in enjoyable rides that conclude on a cheerful note.

How can you prevent being robbed?

Lastly, the issue of pickpockets demands vigilant consideration, as they pose a risk in various locations and are particularly opportunistic with foreigners.

To counter this threat, I’ve adopted the practice of carrying a compact handbag that I can wear across my chest, allowing it to rest securely on my shoulder.

I steer clear of carrying it solely on one shoulder, as this vulnerable position might expose me to the potential dangers of theft. There’s a possibility of thieves slicing the strap or snatching the bag from behind in a swift maneuver.

My approach includes keeping my phone nestled inside the bag unless I need it to swiftly capture a captivating scene.

This measure not only safeguards my belongings but also ensures that I’m prepared to respond effectively in case of any unexpected encounters with pickpockets.

Be cautious of what you wear when you travel solo

Another measure I take to avoid drawing attention is by dressing modestly and not wearing ostentatious or valuable clothing or jewelry. I opt for simplicity and ensure that my demeanor includes a friendly smile for everyone I encounter.

This affable disposition has often contributed to a sense of peace during my travels.

Maintaining awareness of my surroundings is a constant priority when I’m traveling alone. In terms of financial security, I’ve developed a strategy where I divide my money and primarily use my bank card only when it’s absolutely necessary.

Carrying two wallets is part of this approach—one for daily use and the other to safeguard larger sums.

Depending on the circumstances, I may carry both wallets or intentionally leave the one with significant cash behind to resist impulsive spending.

The underlying principle is that even if one wallet were to be stolen, I’d still have a backup.

Another valuable tip is to avoid exchanging all your currency. Instead, I carry a limited amount of cash and rely on ATMs to withdraw more if needed.

Counting a substantial sum of money in public can inadvertently attract unwanted attention and pose a potential risk of theft.

Adhering to the adage “Do not tempt the devil to tempt you” serves as a sound reminder to be cautious and not unknowingly invite trouble.

A man installing a cctv camera
safety concerns

How to solve accommodation theft

To ensure the security of my belongings, I always travel with padlocks when staying at hotels or Airbnbs.

This precautionary measure allows me to safeguard my valuables by locking them in a bag and placing the keys in a small wallet.

Having encountered a situation where my belongings appeared to have been moved, I’ve learned to leave only non-essential items outside, granting me peace of mind while I’m away on tours.

Moreover, to create a secure environment, I coordinate with my hosts to arrange room cleaning when I’m present. I specify a time frame—such as 1-3 pm—during which I’ll be in the room.

This approach might seem stringent, but I believe that most individuals would think twice about theft in the presence of the occupant. Hosts have been accommodating and understanding of my request, enabling the cleaning staff to perform their duties while I’m there.

This practice not only fosters a worry-free environment but also encourages positive interactions.

I make it a point to assure my hosts that they needn’t concern themselves with cleaning, as I take responsibility for maintaining the space.

I treat the accommodation as if it were my own and uphold hygiene and sanitation standards.

While I occasionally request cleaning assistance on days when I seek respite from my tourism activities, I generally prioritize keeping the space tidy and well-kept, just as I found it.

What to do to avoid sexual abuse

To sum up, I believe there aren’t any inherent disadvantages to traveling solo, regardless of gender.

While concerns about safety, especially regarding sexual crimes, are valid, responsible choices and cautious behavior play a pivotal role in mitigating such risks.

It’s important to acknowledge that unfortunate incidents, including sexual crimes, can occur in various settings.

However, it’s equally crucial to note that certain behaviors and choices can increase vulnerability.

Engaging in excessive drinking with strangers at clubs, losing awareness of one’s surroundings, or venturing into unfamiliar places can elevate the chances of being exposed to risky situations.

Moreover, it’s essential to recognize that anyone, regardless of gender, can face potential threats while traveling.

In the context of rising awareness about LGBTQ+ issues, it’s worth mentioning that men can also become targets of sexual assault.

Ultimately, safety hinges on personal responsibility and awareness.

Being cautious, avoiding risky behaviors, and being aware of emergency contact information, including local police departments, can contribute to a safer travel experience.

While no approach can provide an absolute guarantee of immediate response, prioritizing caution and responsible decisions significantly minimizes the likelihood of encountering dangerous situations.

What else can you do to ensure your security while traveling solo?

In preparation for my solo travels, I consistently conduct online research to gather insights from fellow travelers about specific cities.

Prior to booking my flight, one crucial step is to tap into the wealth of knowledge shared through others’ traveling solo experiences.

Ensuring my safety is paramount, so I often engage in conversations with friends who reside in the countries I plan to visit.

These discussions prove invaluable as they provide firsthand perspectives and local insights.

Among my initial inquiries, I prioritize understanding the most suitable areas for accommodation. While online searches can provide a plethora of options, I’m aware that certain neighborhoods might be less secure.

To navigate this, I leverage my network of friends and ask them to compile a list of safe locales and recommendations for secure lodging.

This approach not only enhances my safety but also offers a level of comfort knowing I’m choosing accommodations endorsed by those with local knowledge.

In certain instances, I’ve been fortunate to stay with these friends, which has enriched my travel experience.

Additionally, their connections often extend to acquaintances in other cities, enabling me to tap into a broader network for insights and advice.

This collaborative approach to gathering information equips me with a comprehensive understanding of potential destinations and empowers me to make informed decisions that prioritize my security.

Where to lodge?

Another essential aspect I thoroughly consider when booking accommodation on Airbnb is the presence of CCTV cameras on the premises.

During my selection process, I meticulously examine the listing’s photos, paying close attention to any images showcasing the existence of security cameras.

I also make it a point to thoroughly read through reviews from previous guests, as these insights can provide valuable information about the safety measures in place.

One reassuring feature that puts my mind at ease is the presence of a gate and the mention of a gateman responsible for controlling access to the lodge.

Knowing that there are physical security measures and personnel monitoring entry adds a layer of security to my stay.

Keeping my family well-informed while traveling solo is a practice I prioritize. I understand the importance of regular communication for their peace of mind.

To achieve this, I take the initiative to purchase a local SIM card upon arrival in a new country.

This enables me to have reliable access to mobile data beyond just relying on hotel Wi-Fi. With my phone connected, I consistently send updates to my sister via WhatsApp, detailing my whereabouts and how I’m faring.

This regular communication not only alleviates any concerns she may have but also serves as a safety measure.

I go the extra mile by sharing screenshots of my Airbnb booking or providing her with the name of the hotel I’m staying at. This information can serve as evidence of my location should any unexpected circumstances arise.

By maintaining open communication and sharing key details, I ensure that my family is informed and can provide assistance if needed.

Sarah infront of a hotel in Rwanda while traveling solo

My secret 2 cents on traveling solo

I hold the perspective that embarking on solo travel carries an inherent element of risk, one that is embraced by those who possess an adventurous spirit and a willingness to venture into the unfamiliar.

To mitigate these uncertainties, I adopt a practice of starting my day with prayer, seeking guidance and protection from God as I navigate through my travels.

Just as I would do when I’m in my home country, I dedicate each day to Him, acknowledging that my life is a precious gift bestowed by Him, and only He has the power to safeguard it for as long as He deems fit.

Final thoughts about traveling solo

While I dismiss the fear of untimely death, I maintain a sense of caution and avoid placing myself in unnecessarily dangerous situations.

Above all, I’m driven by a profound belief that my life holds a purpose. In my encounters with intimidating scenarios, I’ve steadfastly relied on my faith, trusting that the Creator of my life has orchestrated a meaningful path for me.

This conviction empowers me to face any challenge with unwavering assurance.

In essence, entrusting my journey to God and wholeheartedly embracing His sovereignty has freed me from the fear of travel.

I firmly believe that adverse circumstances can befall anyone, anywhere, but my unshakable faith in Christ’s love and protection reassures me that I am a child of God.

Consequently, only what aligns with His divine plan can unfold in my life. Even in the face of adversity, His goodness remains constant, and I find solace in the knowledge that His presence can bring healing, restoration, and an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Armed with the assurance of Psalm 91, I embark on my travels with a heart at peace and a mind unburdened by fear, finding joy and fulfillment in the journey.

Go here to read more travel tips from over 14 countries if traveling solo is your hobby too.

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About me

Picture of Sarah Luma

Sarah Luma

I am a TEFL certified English Tutor with over 7 years of teaching experience offline and online. I am also an enthusiastic Refugee Rights Researcher with Master degrees in International Law. Additionally, I sing gospel music and write Christian poems. My life is based on Christianity and I am devoted to glorify God via my Biblical inspirational writings.

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